1. Life Aboard the Dawn Treader

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Zoelle let out a long sigh of contentment as she stared out over the water from onboard the beautiful ship Caspian had made. Her only complaint was that now, in the early hours of the morning, there was a chill in the air that the blanket wrapped around her shoulders was failing to cast off. She couldn't help but smile, however, as she felt two arms wrap around her waist from behind.

"Good morning," she said as Caspian kissed her cheek.

"Good morning," Caspian replied, his voice with a sleepy quality as though he had just risen.

Zoelle turned to face him and rest her head on his chest, taking in the warmth from his body. As Caspian raised his hand to tuck a stray hair behind her ear, the new sun flashed across a bright, thin band around his finger.

"You look beautiful this morning," Caspian said, beginning to play with her hair.

Zoelle chuckled, looking up at him with a shy smile as she said, "You say that every morning."

"Only because it's true every morning," he replied, his tone playfully serious.

Zoelle held back a giggle as she cupped his cheek, bringing his lips down to hers. Caspian smiled into the kiss, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling their bodies closer together. Pressing his forehead against hers, Caspian detached their lips and smiled at her.

"Do you think we'll see anything exciting today?" Zoelle asked softly with a fond smile.

"I think we've had plenty of excitement already," Caspian said with a small laugh. "But who knows, my dear, we might see anything."

"Oh, don't say that, Cas," Zoelle said with a laugh. "Our adventure's barely begun."

"Indeed, and I cannot wait to go on them all," Caspian replied with a boyish grin.

"Of course, you can't," Zoelle chuckled, taking his hand in her own and interlacing their fingers. "Because you are as easily excited as a child."

"I take high offence to that," Caspian protested in mock indignation. "I am a king, thank you very much."

"I am a queen," Zoelle countered.

"My queen," Caspian corrected softly, taking her other hand in his own and pressing his lips back to hers.

It was a short, sweet kiss, but even so, neither could help but smile as though nothing was or ever could possibly go wrong. Zoelle's smile outshone the sun as she stared into his eyes, trying to determine how exactly she found herself where she had come.

"So, aside from being nauseatingly romantic, what are your plans for today?" Zoelle asked, leaning back against the rail.

Shooting her a playful glare, he retorted, "If you didn't like me being nauseatingly romantic, pray tell why you decided to marry me?"

Shrugging, she said, "Money. Oh! No, it was sex. Or perhaps, it was so I could murder you and take full control of Narnia."

"I better watch out then," Caspian replied in mock seriousness. "Should I watch my drink or my food?"

"I'll never tell," Zoelle replied, keeping her face and tone as expressionless as she could manage.

"Oh, no!" Caspian cried, clutching his heart. "I think I feel it now! I think-"

"Oh, stop," Zoelle interrupted with a laugh, lightly swatting at his arm.

Before Caspian could say anything in reply, a loud voice called, "Sire!"

Zoelle's merriment tamed into an affectionate smile as she kissed his cheek and returned to their cabin.


It was a warm day, rather warmer than any of them had expected, but Zoelle loved the warm weather. She spent her days aboard the ship, usually sitting someplace in the sun, but still out of the way while she worked her way through piles upon piles of mending. The sailors had protested at first to their queen doing such menial tasks, but she quickly assured them that it was the very least she could do. She would listen to no more protests after that, and so, she spent each day doing all the mending necessary on the ship. And when she wasn't mending, she was making ropes or helping in the kitchens.

The only time she could not be found working was from noon until one when she would take her lunch and whatever book she happened to be reading at that time. She would sit for an hour each day and do her reading. Sometimes, she got so absorbed in her book that she forgot the time and did nothing until far later in the afternoon.

But despite some of the crew's superstitions about having a woman on board, no one, after the first month on board, could deny that she was anything but a hindrance. Although she worked as hard and intently as any of them during the day, she joined just as readily into the fun of each night as songs were sung and stories were told. She would dance and sing so prettily one instant and have them each enthralled with a story the next.

Other evenings, however, she would sit, leaning back against the rail with Caspian's arms around her as they watched the stars, talking quietly together as peacefully as doves.

That night was a quiet one, and Zoelle and Caspian had just slipped into bed and were just beginning to feel sleepy when Caspian asked, "What do you think we'll find beyond the Lone Islands?"

"I have no idea," Zoelle admitted softly, facing him in the dark. "I haven't thought about it too much, to be honest. I've been more focused on enjoying every other adventure as it comes."

"Me too," Caspian admitted. "I love you."

"I love you too," she whispered. "Goodnight."


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2023 ⏰

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