17: Falling apart

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Y/n's POV

"You look ridiculous." I laugh

Walker walks out into the room wearing the pj's.

"Oh shut up put yours on now!" He throws me my pair of pajamas and I head to the bathroom to change.
I come out and Walker falls on the bed bursting with laughter.

"Oh be quiet!" I run over to him and hit him with the pillow he continues to laugh.

"We're twinssss." He says still giggling
"Well that was the whole point wasn't it?" I say giggling as well.
"Oh let's go show Emma and Ryan." Walker says

He stands up and grabs my hand as we head to their room, he knocks on the door.

Ryan opens the door already knowing who it is.
"Why hello there lovebirds- HAHAHAHAHAHA." Ryan says then he shuts the door right then.

Walker looks at me confused but also annoyed "why did he shut the door on us!" He says
"Dunno" i say holding back another laugh.

"EMMA YOU GOT TO SEE THIS HURRY." Ryan says we can hear him through the door
"YES AND THEY ARE MATCHING." He says still laughing.
"OOO IM COMING." She yells

Ryan opens the door once more and starts another fit of laughter.
"Awww your guys look so cute!" Emma says not containing her excitement.
"Haha thanks." I says

"Smile!" Emma says as she takes a photo of us together.

"Oh my gosh this is hilarious." Ryan says

Instagram: Emma Waston

Emma Waston: JUST DATE ALREADY ❤️Love you both so much!

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Love you both so much!

Liked by: Y/n Evans, Walker Scobell, Ryan Reynolds, Tom Felton, Zendaya, and 923,000 others


User785: Even our queen said it "JUST DATE ALREADY."

Walker Scobell: Haha we look so cool though
Reply: Y/n Evans: We so do though

~ The next day ~

Walkers POV:

"You know Walker you should just do it already." Ryan suggests.
We were in my trailer waiting for the first scene.
"Do what?" I ask confused

"Tell Y/n you like her of course!" Ryan says
"I don't know...." I say unsure

"Oh come on it's obvious she likes you back I mean me and Emma have been talking about it and Y/n talks to you, she always is happy with you and looks forward to seeing you, I mean you guys aren't complete without one another!" He explained

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