Realzation 8

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Escargoon had to warn ribbon he ran as fast as he could but then was blocked by all the waddle dees spears pointed at him they all had anger but sadness in their eyes " look waddles you don't know what's at stake"! He says looking at them with pleading eyes ribbon told him about this crystal the most powerful artifact in the whole universe escargoon realizes that if they had power every one could die " please"... waddle doo walks up " I-I'm sorry kings orders" he says and turns around in pain  " NO" escargoon is then taken away while others hearing his pleads..
Dedede makes it to ripple's
room cuddle up with adline snoring and ribbon sleeping peacefully he doesn't want to do this but he knows that it's the only way to save her even if everything else is a stake he takes the crystal wrapped around her neck in a necklace he takes it if gently and looks away with a pained look he walks away adline opening her eyes she was pretending she jumps out and wakes ribbon they run towards dedede and jump on him tackling him adline is much more young so she is Abel to hold him down ribbon runs while some waddles chase after her she reaches tiffs room and wakes up every " WE NEED TO GO" she grabs them and her parents and runs out they run to meta knight's room and bang on the door they already knew what happened and where already there blade and knight came in and held down Dedede with adline he shouts at the crystal is dropped to the ground he breaks out of their grasp and takes it and opens the teleportation device tiff jumps out on him keeping him occupied " NOW GET IT AWAY FROM HIM GO TO KIRBY"! Tiff shouts out she is then thrown to the ground harshly " ooow.." the castle begins to shake he calls the salesman "look I got you the most powerful object now GIVE ME WHAT I WANTED" the sales man grins " well a deals a deal" the castle begins to shake harshly suddenly the doors rip open with ripple and escargoon behind her " WHAT ARE YOU DOING" ripple looks anger she walks to him floating while an array of pure purple surrounds her eyes glow a deep red and the crystal begins to glow the castle keeps shaking ribbon and Kirby arrive and Adeline scoops the tow holding them close
"I TRUSTED YOU DEDEDE YOU LIED TO ME"!!! she snarls " ESCARGOON TOLD ME EVERYTHING YOU DID" she begins to glow   Her wing glowing bright meta knight's eyes glow as the same shade " AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH"

Queen ripple's adventure Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon