Chapter 1

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"(Y/N) wake up!" I let out a groan, curling tighter into a ball as I felt a cold breeze flow over me. "Not now Aang. And close the curtains, it's getting cold in here." I mumbled tiredly, trying to go back asleep.

"(Y/N), we aren't in the air temple." Aang stated, giving me another shake. I blink open my eyes, seeing Aang bending over me. He helped me up to my feet as I looked around confused to see only snow.

"Appa!" Aang shouted all of a sudden, catching me by surprise. I look over, seeing him jump up onto the bison's forehead. I walked over myself, patting the bison on the head lightly. "Are you alright? Wake up buddy!" He spoke, lifting up the bison's eyelid, before jumping down and trying to lift the bison up by the mouth.

I hear someone gasp behind me, I turn around seeing a girl with dark tanned skin, blue eyes, and dark brown hair held up in loops. The male standing next to her looked the same, except only the middle top of his head had hair while the sides seemed shaved. They both wore blue coats while the male carried what looked like a spear.

"(Y/N), a little help here please." I hear Aang say. I turn around, walking over to help him lift up Appa. We both worked to at least lift the bison's head, but to no avail, at least not until the bison lifted his head up on his own, licking us both as he did so. "Haha! You're ok!" Aang cheered, a bright smile on his face as he patted the beast.

"What is that thing?" I turned to see it was the male that questioned it, pointing at the bison.

"This is Appa, our flying bison." I answer, gesturing to the beast.

"Right." The boy started with a roll of his eyes. "This is Katara, my flying sister." The boy spoke, gesturing to the girl standing next to him, who turned to give him a small glare.

Aang was about to reply till he pulled me down just before the bison sneezed, getting his snot onto the boy. The boy had a look of disgust on his face, as he tried wiping the green goo off his clothes by wiping it before rubbing his face in the snow trying to get it off. "Don't worry, it'll wash out." Aang assured with a small smile.

"So, do you guys live around here?" I ask, crossing my arms tightly trying to keep the heat in, I honestly hate the cold and would love to get somewhere warm.

The girl opened her mouth, about to speak till her brother butt in quickly saying, "Don't answer that! Did you see that crazy bolt of light!?" He said, gesturing up towards the sky with his hand. "They were probably trying to signal the Fire Navy." He stated, letting his hand drop down to his side.

"Oh, yeah. I'm sure they are spies for the Fire Navy." His sister stated, walking over towards the both of us, gesturing to us with her gloved hands. "You can tell by that evil look in their eyes." She stated with a small smirk.

Aang gave the paranoid boy a goofy smile, while I smiled and shot him finger guns. "The paranoid one is my brother Sokka." Katara introduced, gesturing to the taller male. "You two never told us your name."

"I'm (Y/N)." I say, keeping my arms crossed, offering her a warm smile.

"And I'm A ... ahhh ... achoo!" Aang sneezed, shooting himself flying up into the air, before floating back down, sliding up against the sides of the ice, giving himself a little jog before coming back to my side. "I'm Aang." He finished, sniffling a bit before rubbing his nose with his finger. I look back over at Katara and Sokka to see their mouths gaped open.

"You just sneezed ... and flew ten feet in the air!" Sokka stated in shock, still looking at Aang in shock.

"Really?" I question, looking at Aang before looking back up in the sky.

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