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For generations, the avatar has been keeping the balance among benders for eons. Everyone knows that the avatar does everything they need to, in order for the peace to remain. As without them ... everything would resort to chaos and destruction.

However, the avatar was never alone in their quest to keep the peace. In fact, they would have friends working with them by their side, helping them along the way. Even animals or pets of the avatar in one way or another.

However, there is always someone never leaving the Avatar's side, their bond. Each avatar has a bond, a shared connection between them and another being, whether it be a beast or another human. They never separate and always know where the other is at all times. Even the avatar could share their ability to bend all the elements with their bond if they so choose, even though the bond can't do it as well as they could.

However, this bond came at a cost. If the avatar dies, the bond will die with them in that moment. If the bond dies, the avatar will be hit with large amounts of grief to the point they make rash decisions. Some have even been known not to get along with their avatar, or even fall in love.

But the story and knowledge of the relationship of an avatar and their bond was lost hundreds of years ago, after the avatar's disappearance.


"Aang are you sure this is the right choice?" A girl with soft (h/c) hair, smooth (s/c) skin, and sparkling silver eyes, wearing airbender clothing. Light blue arrows were painted on her arms and one on her forehead. She sat in a dark brown saddle of a six legged, white furred, beast with two small horns protruding out of its head and a brown arrow of its own on its forehead.

"Positive, they were going to separate us and Gyatso from one another." A boy with a bald head with similar light blue arrows, lightly tanned skin, and grey eyes, also wearing airbending clothing, spoke as he tied his staff to the flying beasts' reigns.

"But we could've figured out a way to convince them we need to stay by each other's side." She pushed on. "I'm sure we can find something."

"If we turn back, they are just going to separate us before we can get a word out."Aang growled, taking a hold of the reins as he glared on ahead at the rolling dark grey clouds.

She nodded, "You're right." The girl sat at the front of the saddle, watching as the clouds came closer and closer, until they were right above them.

"C'mon Appa, yip yip!" Aang shouted, lifting the reins before bringing them down, pushing the bison to go faster. Thunder rumbled above, making the girl slightly nervous as she watched the clouds above, rain beginning to fall down.

Then the wind picked up, the waves below becoming massive, as the two airbenders and their bison began to struggle against the weather. Until the bison crashed into the untamed sea, the girl slipping from the large saddle, Aang's grip on the reins loosened. Aang opened his eyes seeing the girl and his bison began floating downwards. 

A light blue glow emitted from Aang's eyes and arrows, as he slammed his fists together, sitting in a criss cross position, the water around them circling before freezing all three of them together, trapped under the water in the iceberg. Unaware as time passed them, the world moved on without them. As the avatar was claimed to have disappeared or possibly dead, his bond was long forgotten over time, along with the history of the bonds.

A long fought out war started after hearing of their disappearance, all starting when the Fire Nation attacked.

Hope this all has caught your interests! If you have any questions about the story or the "bond" let me know :) Till next time readers!  

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