(Episode 1) Chapter 3

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They arrived at the kitchen area where 4 out of the 5 tenants were located.

"Suho-ssi, we would like to check out your fridge cam surveillance last night." Jaesuk told him.

"Oh, yes. I will go and prepare it for you." He said as he left the kitchen.

"So you guys are off for the day?" Kwangsoo asked the tenants who nodded.

"Where's Gruntrack?" Jaesuk asked them.

"I doubt he'll come down." Boreum stated.

"You probably won't see him." Byungkyu added.

"Have you ever seen him?" Sejeong asked.

"That time, when we drank–" Byungkyu started to say.

"Yes, March 3. Pork belly night. That jackass showed up wasted and screamed and cursed,and caused a real scene." Boreum supplied while Soohyang nodded at her words. Soon, Suho came back bringing a laptop and showed them to the living room on the first floor.

"After speaking to 3 out of 4 of your tenants, it's hard to say who is the culprit." Jaesuk told him.

"We'll know once we watch this." Kwangsoo said, pointing to the laptop that Suhi placed on the table.

"That's right." Jaesuk agreed. Soon, the laptop and the camera feed was set-up and the video started playing. Everyone gathered around to watch.

"Okay. That will do." The Suho being recorded on the camera, said.

"That's him installing it." Kwangsoo stated.

"I'll catch the thief this time." Video Suho stated as he laughed like a villain.

"Okay. He set it up at 9:00 PM."

"It has a brown lid." Sehun observed.

"He laughed like a lunatic--My bad." Minyoung got a little carried away with describing what was happening in the video.

"Hey. It's because I was immersed in my role." Suho defended himself in an embarrassed tone.

"Okay. At 9:00 PM before you went clubbing." Minyoung changed her narration.

"Yes, there's a time stamp here." Suho pointed to the bottom right of the screen, just as it turned black.

"Since the light turns off if the door is closed..." Suho explained.

"It has a light sensor. It's Cho Byungkyu." Jaesuk said, watching the screen which showed Byungkyu opening the fridge.

"10:00 PM?" Sunmi whispered to herself as she looked at the time stamp. Everyone watched as Byungkyu picked up one of the tupperwares.

"Gejang?" Video Byungkyu wondered out loud.

"Byungkyu." Kwangsoo and Sehun reacted to him picking up the

"Is that the gejang?" Jaesuk asked Suho.

"Yes." The client confirmed.

"What is he doing?" Suho asked as they continued watching Byungkyu on the feed. Suddenly, he picked up a can and placed it in front of the camera's view, effectively blocking it.

"He covered it."

"We can't see anything."

"Dang it." The detectives complained.

"Hold on. How can we see anything if he puts the drink there?" Jaesuk wondered as they watched the video feed go black.

"You can still tell." Sunmi said as she pointed to the space that could be seen as soon as the next person opened the fridge.

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