Hell on Earth. Chapter 13

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"He's been turned into a vegetable. A grey vegetable at that. I wouldn't want him in MY stew!"

"Where's my chunk of sapphire? That's what I need! Oh, which flipping pocket is it in? Here, hold this, Anar, get some clarity, mate, follow my voice, come back to us."

"Stay where you are, in cuckoo land! We'll have your Walkman and tapes!"

"Rave! Stop it, the poor dear's been traumatised! Look at him! Anar? Anar, are you ok? Come on, let's get you to the café. Nice cup of tea will see you right..."

He blinked. White spots filled his vision; blindingly bright twinkling lights followed him as he walked unsteadily.

His head was full of static. His mouth was dry.

Anar didn't recall leaving Master Leviathan's office, nor exactly what transpired in there. He'd been in trouble for thumping Crowley again, this time in front of Hogden, after the snide human had made remarks about his family.

Then Rave had been grumbling about hard plastic chairs. Next thing he knew, he was being led away down the corridor with burnt retinas.

Rap's soothing voice, reassuring as ever, was filling his ears as they walked.

"...the whole building was shaking like San Francisco in that one movie where everything was falling down. Honestly wasn't sure how many pieces you'd be in when you got out. I'm just happy you're intact, even if you are a bit spaced-out."

Rave's low grumbling followed. It wasn't clear what he was saying, but 'idiot' was no doubt in there somewhere.

Then another voice came in. Higher, sweeter, concerned' "hot stuff! What happened to you? Are you ok?"

Colours came back to him, and the pale blush tones of Meredith contrasted against blood-red velvet. She was wearing a long, sweeping gown edged with black lace.

Rap stood in front of him, shielding him, arms folded, huffing, "you stay back! He's under some sort of dark incantation. Might be vulnerable and confused. I'll not have you seducing him and consuming his soul!"

"You need to chill out, seriously. He's my sweetheart."

"He is NOT."

Rave interfered, brusquely, "Anar's in love with the lady in the cellar. The History keeper. He took her flowers and everything."

"Exactly!" Rap said, triumphantly. "Wait, didn't she stab him, though? I'm confused."

"Anar got stabbed?! Some familiars you are!!"

"Whoa whoa, hang on a minute, wasn't our fault. Tell her, Anar!" Rave gave him a rough shake at the shoulder.

"I feel sick..." Anar moaned, rocking back and forth at Rave's rough touch.

"You need healing," Rap fussed. "You need herbal tea!"

Meredith wasn't impressed; "I think he needs a break from you two! Anar?"

"Oh, hi, Meredith. I'm not having a great day, today. I decked Crowley again and got sent to Leviathan's office. I'm feeling really confused and my head hurts. Any chance of a toasted teacake?"

The succubus barged past the protective raptors, tugged the aardvark's sleeve while glaring at them and their incompetence, and pulled him away into the student cafeteria.

"It wasn't our fault he got stabbed! Was it?"

"Yes, Rave, it was. We let him go off by himself."


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