Hell on Earth. Chapter 12

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"Hallowe'en is fast approaching," the teacher declared, stood behind a desk decorated with a velvet cloth, some candlesticks and a variety of glittery things. "You will need to be prepared for some very important visitors. There are certain expectations of you in both presentation and behaviour;" he looked at Anar and his two familiars, "the dress code is non-negotiable on the night of All Hallow's Eve, Warlock, and if I or any member of staff spy you in that Ellesse jumper you're so fond of it will not end well for you!"

"Yes, sir," Anar nodded, making a mental note to finally get to the laundrette on the first floor so his black Nike sweater was clean. His list of tasks was getting longer than ever!

Crowley preened, running his claws around the collar of his charcoal dyed Ralph Lauren polo shirt. Crowley always looked like he was off for a round of gothic golf. He made eye contact with the aardvark and made a 'slice' gesture across his scrawny throat.

Anar scowled. Now, more than ever, he wanted to find a loophole in the official college dress code. Fluorescent socks or something. He wondered if there was anything about tie-dye...

"The first thing you shall say upon encountering any of our guests that night shall be 'Hallowe'en salutations'. Say it with me: 'Hallowe'en salutations.'"

The class mumbled.

Anar raised his hand.


"What about our familiars?" he asked. It was a given that Rap would just say 'ooooh, hello!' to any Hell bigwigs he met, and Rave would tell them to go suck eggs.

The teacher bristled; he was a big, spiral-horned boar with orcish tusks and a no-nonsense attitude, and he didn't like anyone, least of all grey, long-eared troublemakers like Anar. "If I was you, I'd keep those two in their cage, for everyone's benefit," he snorted.

Rave mumbled, sulkily, "keep you in a cage, big pig, you'd probably enjoy it..."

"But I wanna carve pumpkins!" Rap objected with a pout. "I wanna go Trick or Treating! I got an outfit planned and everything!"

The boar tutor's eyes widened and he bared his fangs, "Warlock, you keep that cross-dressing lizard on a leash on Hallowe'en or"-

"Yes, sir!" he squeaked.

Rap turned on him, "you said I could!"

"Keep your voice down! I'm agreeing with everything to keep Master Hogden off our case, yeah?" he hissed to the indignant raptor.

"I can still carve pumpkins? Go Trick or Treating? Wear my witchy dress?"

He nodded, holding his finger to his lips to shush the whiny dinosaur.

"I ain't dressing up," Rave rumbled. "Not begging for lollipops, neither."

"Yes, fine, good. Shush! I'm trying to listen..."

The teacher continued, "...mischief is expected but keep it outside of the College walls. Anyone caught throwing hexes or summoning spirits inside will be sent to Master Leviathan's office. Anyone caught trying to get an early night, and not joining in the festivities will also be sent to Master Leviathan's office," he paused again, "so now we come to our lesson. You will have learnt a few basic moves in your other classes: offensive shoves, defensive shields... I know for a fact some of you have used these successfully," he looked sternly once more at Anar, then moved to frown at Alexis who suddenly didn't seem so cocky. He continued, "when you cross through the Abyssal Gate and sign your demon work contracts, you will not have these magical limitations upon you. You will be bestowed with all the power you should ever need. If, after your employment, you are lucky enough to visit the mortal realm on Hallowe'en then you will be able to do as you wish, in the name of the Dark Lord and his Infernal glory. As such, the same will be true of the Underworld denizens who will be gracing us here in the College with their unholy presence, and I must warn you, they will harm you if they can. Your little spells will not save you against a level 8 archfiend. As such, it may be useful to know how to defend yourself against a full-power demonic force. It is my duty to reassure you that staff will be on patrol while the various clubs and parties are in full swing, so using your magic should, as ever, be a last resort. For this reason, though, we have made sure to give you amulets with enough magic allocated for not only your classes, but also emergency use for Hallowe'en. Only one!" He held a thick finger aloft to express the importance. "If in doubt, you know how to transport yourself to a place of safety. This is what the College will expect you to use it for. However! On a night of mischief such as this, I would like to show you how to use a little more... force," he smiled, his tusks gleaming.

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