Obsessed Pt1

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One more day , One more caper . To be honest , caper's are kinda tiring for Carmen . After all that running , kicking , punching drives her crazy sometimes . But at the same time she had that thrill of the chase and she loves it . But that's not the only thing that excites about capers ;)

There's a special someone she always loves to see . That's right . Gray . She's still not sure if she loves him like...that. But she still loves to hang out with him either as friends or...as something else. One thing is for sure . She definitely wants to end up with him one day .


It's been a long day . But still really fun . Carmen caught up with her friends and they all hung out for a while . It was the usual . Zack and Ivy fighting , Gray and Trey flirting with Carmen , Shadowsan finding a place to burry Gray....and Trey of course.

But the day isn't over . There's still a caper to catch 3 VILE operatives on loose . Tigress , Mime bomb and Paperstar . This is gonna be...hard . "But we can do it" Carmen kept thinking .

She put on her red coat and went off . The boys were waiting outside by that time . She ran outside and got into the car they rented for the trip . As soon as she got in , Gray couldn't help but fall over her and hug her making Trey look like a tomato :D

They drove in....complete noisiness . All they did was talk . The entire trip to the museum was filled with banter between Carmen and Gray . Trey tried to join in but he just couldn't . He got things planned well that's for sure . This time , somehow he's gonna get Carmen in his hands and nobody can do anything about it .

They slowly reached the museum where , according to player's intel , the loose VILE operatives are hiding . They're not sure where they're hiding but when Carm's on the job they can easily find them .

Carmen slowly tip-toed into the museum...with Trey behind her. He begged her to come in with her. And ever since then he's been clinging to her side , puling her closer every second . Gray knew what Trey was doing and he just decided to stay calm about this and to not react too much. But still for some reason he's still getting fired up about this .

Gray cut out the alarms before Carmen can enter the museum. She slowly then got in from one hall to another looking for any clues about the loose operatives . She looked around everywhere but nothing was found...until....

Scratch marks . 

Carmen got closer to the scratch marks that were left on the wall . These were definitely by either Paperstar or Tigress . This must mean they might have been a fight between them and someone else . As she look closer and scanned around the room . As she looked down , she saw a hat left out . This must've happened that day . If it happened long ago then somebody might have already picked it up and kept it elsewhere . The person they attacked must've found out where they were hiding and they kidnapped him or even worse...killed him/her.

"This must mean we're close" Carmen whispered. "Trey, don't make any noise please . I think they're hiding somewhere close"

Trey didn't listen though . He got closer and closer to her , held her slowly and whispered in her ear "Anything for you" which gave chills running through her spine . Gray heard all this and tried to convince himself that everything was fine , but he couldn't . He still remained calm because he knows what can happen if he reacts too much to this.

Trey still didn't leave Carmen as she was looking around . He still kept saying something in her ear . She didn't respond to a few of them but few made her laugh . She knew that Gray was absolutely seething from where he was but she couldn't help it.

A few mins later , Carmen freed herself from Trey's grasp . She couldn't find anything . She took one step out of the room until suddenly , a tunnel opened up from under one of the display cases . She took as step forward and looked down into it .

"It's pretty deep down there " She said "I need you to stay her , Trey . Keep a look out . If nobody's in there that must mean they've gone somewhere . Don't let anyone come in." 

Trey nodded his head as Carmen got down the tunnel . But he wouldn't just stand there . Meanwhile , Gray was coming towards the museum . Thinking about what just happens . If Trey really gets Carmen with him then....

Then what ? He doesn't know what he would do next . Gray loves Carmen more than anything or anyone . He can't lose her . He can't let her be taken . He kept thinking about it until she heard what she just said . He can't help but feel good that for once Carmen will be away from Trey .

He ran into the museum and to the place where the tunnel was . He saw Trey looking down into it , seeing if Carmen made it down safely . Gray didn't want Carmen to get hurt but he didn't want Trey to look like he cares about Carmen a lot which can attract her towards him . He wanted to show that he cared about her more . So he started getting down the tunnel with her . Even if Trey shouted that Carmen told him not to go he still went down . 

Gray slowly followed Carmen and made sure that she didnt know that he was there with her . After all popping out of nowhere when she needed help the most is kind of a heroic way of course . Gray knew that Carmen wouldn't get in too much danger but he still wanted to protect her .

But because he got down , Trey came down too , leaving the opening unguarded .

Carmen got into this strange place with documents filled in it , possibly about VILE history . Though , nobody was there . Carmen reached out to see one of those files . It had this title that captured Carmen's eye "The secret places to VILE had it's HQ".

But before she could ,"There's absolutely nobody over here" Trey shouted as he and Gray entered "why are we even here ?"

Carmen ran towards them with anger filled in her eyes "What the fuck are you two doing here ? I told you to stay up there !"

Trey pointed at Gray "He came down so I thought maybe it's better if I do too".

Gray opened his mouth to say something but Carmen cut him off "I don't wanna hear it Gray . Why do you have to disobey me and do whatever you want ? I told you two to stay up there and keep guard and now-"

Now Carmen got cut off "And now you guys are busted" It was Paperstar . She , Tigress and Mimebomb walked in together . They were down to a fight but they didn't need it . Paperstar threw 3 ninja stars coated with a tranquillizer which scratched on their skin , knocking them out .

Ok Hi everyone ! ik i havent been uploading for a while . I guess i kinda lost some ideas . But thanks for reading this and hope you enjoyed it . Part 2 coming slowly . Thank you!

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