Spicing things up

796 11 20

In this group chat .... well why should I ruin the surprise . Dive in and see for yourself 😁😁😁😁


RedSneekaro entered

Bigsis entered

Lilbro entered

RedSneekaro :- I'm bored

Bigsis :- Me too

Lilbro :- then why don't we sing songs !!!???

Bigsis :- really bro .... I have an idea ...

Lilbro :- spill the fish

RedSneekaro :- don't you mean spill the beans

Lilbro :- nope , fish . now tell

Bigsis :- We can lift up the topic about you know who and you know who .

Lilbro :- .... ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

RedSneekaro :- ....what ?

GrahamCracker entered

GrahamCracker :- whatcha ya'll doing mates ?

Lilbro :- spicing things up

GrahamCracker :- 🤨

Bigsis :- so , is there something u have to say to carmen , gray ?

GrahamCracker :- ...what ! no !!!!

Lilbro :- come on !!! 

RedSneekaro :- 🤭 things got a lot more interesting that you're here gray

GrahamCracker :- oh 😳... well I am really good at spicing things up 😏 

RedSneekaro :- you sure are 

GrahamCracker :- soooo carmen , u coming to Australia any time soon ?

RedSneekaro :- yeees , i told you that there is a VILE operative lose there in sydney . And you also said that u wanted to help .

GrahamCracker :-oh right . you know you could always stay at my place . i got another bedroom or we could ... idk ... share a bed ...

Lilbro :- Omg

Bigsis :- u guys totaly forgot that we're here 

GrahamCracker :- umm...

Lilbro :- we'll give u sometime alone

Lilbro left

Bigsis left

GrahamCracker :- so...whadaya say ?

RedSneekaro :- okay 

GrahamCracker :- YESS

RedSneekaro :- 🤭🤭🤭 

GrahamCracker :- I mean uh ... GREAT !

Mr.Whitehat entered

Mr.Whitehat :- I saw everything and I am sooooooooo excited

Mr.Whitehat left

RedSneekaro :- what was that about ...?

GrahamCracker :- I don't know but I sure am dying to see you .

RedSneekaro :- alright  I'm gonna go . goodbye

GrahamCracker :- goodbye lambkins .

RedSneekaro left

GrahamCracker left

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