32. Inevitable

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Willy Tybur was sitting on a couch, holding a newspaper, reading an article about Middle East.

Suddenly, his surroundings changed to the middle of Northern Marleyan coast.

"Hm?" Willy said, confused, standing in the middle.

Then people started running past him, screaming in horror.

'What the...' Willy thought.

"Hey! What's going on?!" He shouted.

Just then, a giant shadow fell over him.

He quickly turned around and gasped as he saw an army of Wall titan were marching towards him.

"The Rumbling?" Willy said with a horrified expression.

The Wall titans continued to march while Willy stood there with a horrified expression.

He gasped as a Collosal titan lifted his leg just over him.

Just before he could get crushed, Willy's surrounding changed to a beautiful garden.

"Eh?" Willy said, confused. Then he looked around. 'A garden?'

"Willy Tybur. The representative of Marleyan government." A voice behind him said.

Willy gasped and turned around to see Eren there, sitting across a table in the middle of the garden.

"You...?" Willy said.

"Oh sorry. My bad. I'm Eren. The holder of the Founding Titan." Eren said.

"Founding Titan?" Willy said, surprised.

Eren nodded. "Yes. So, let's have a talk." He gestured him to sit on the chair.

Willy obliged and stepped forward and sat down on the chair accross Eren.

Eren poured some tea into a cup and pushed the cup towards Willy.

After that, he sat up straight. "So, as you must have guessed, I'm using the power of Founding Titan to have a talk with you."

"Yes." Willy said and took a sip from his tea. "May I know why I'm here?"

"You're here because I wanted to talk about making peace between Marley and Paradis." Eren said and put his cup down. "I know your arguments about how we are devils, we deserved to be eradicated etc." He leaned forward a bit. "So, why not we end our conflict and make peace?"

"Peace?" Willy said. "With a isla-"

"Island devil?" Eren said. "Aren't you also a subject of Ymir like me?"

"Yes I am." Willy said and put the cup down. "But I cursed the blood I was born with. More than anyone, I wished the Eldians were wiped out."

"Yeah. Why won't you be?" Eren said. "It's easier for someone like you to say this."

"If you don't know then let me tell you." Willy said with furrowed eyebrows. "Roughly 100 years ago, the Eldian Empire ruled the world with the Power of the Titans. From the rise of Founder Ymir until today, Titans have robbed enough lives to eradicate humanity three times over. Countless cultures and people have been wiped out by Titans; their histories stolen away." Willy said.

Eren kept listening to him with no emotions.

"The Eldian Empire's path of slaughter became humanity's history." Willy said "And when the Eldian Empire ran out of enemies, they soon began slaughtering one another. And you're here, talking about peace?"

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