Chapter 19

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7 AM

I climbed out of my bed, standing and stretching for the last time in this room. I didn't have many personal belongings in my room. Most of everything would be given back to my mother in the coming days. Everything else would be collected and stored with the rest of the previous house member's personal belongings.

Walking downstairs, Nash was watching the television with Westin. A news story was playing, and the location seemed oddly familiar. I sat down to watch them as they continued talking about a miracle. The reporter talked about a once beloved species now having an official count of six living individuals. The screen flashed an image of a bird, black, red, and white.

"With the four offspring being fledged, this could mean the eventual reintroduction of the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker," The reporter stated. There was no mistaking who was responsible for those said offspring, considering he was one of only two remaining.

"Sounds like Damien is making a name for himself, that is, if they would call him by name," Nash said, watching the TV.

"Ehh, they never mentioned him by name when I saw him there," I said, "I would guess they don't want to associate the disease with the whole project."

"Maybe, or maybe they don't see him as a human. Could be a few things," Westin said.

"It's weird, really," Nash said. "Humans being used to save a different species, and neither of them had any control over it, except maybe luck."

"Well, thank god the red tail isn't going extinct. I don't know about having children, let alone in another body," I said that the thought of having children as a non-human sent a disturbing shiver down my spine.

I heard the sounds of footsteps on the stairs as Matthew walked into the living room. Shortly behind him were Jeremy and Rylie. Jeremy sat on the couch and stared at me. Matthew opened his beak and hesitated before asking, "You feeling alright, Lyall? You still feeling up to this?".

"Maybe. I guess it is what it is, right?" I replied.

"Well, let's make up some breakfast and see what the day looks like," Matthew said as he turned to the kitchen, gesturing me to follow. I followed behind, my talons slipping slightly on the hard floor of the kitchen. I would try to catch myself, but the wings make it difficult. Matthew grabbed a plastic cup from the cupboard and put it on the counter.

"You want a glass of something? I can pour it for ya," He offered as he removed a jug of orange juice from the fridge. I shook my head, and Matthew closed the fridge door, jug still in hand.

"Have anything you want to do once you finish?" Rylie asked from behind. I turned to face her, but my left wing caught Matthew's glass the threw it to the ground.

"Oh shoot!" I shouted as the partially filled glass was dumped on the floor. Without thinking, I reached with my right talon and picked the glass up, holding it to Matthew. It wasn't until after he took the glass from my foot that I realized what I had done. I opened and closed my grip before returning my scaly yellow foot to the ground.

I turned to answer Rylie's question. "I mean, if I'm somehow still in there, flying would be the first thing I want to try," I said, holding my wings out slightly. "These have to be worth something, right?"

"Well, you already practiced hunting, but next time Nash won't be there to assist," Rylie said with a wink.

I shook my head, scoffing at the remark. I would have to hunt for my meals, wouldn't I? I don't know what I thought I would eat. I was banking on losing my mind to the hawk. But I have a little more hope that won't happen each day.

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