Chapter 5

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Nothing. When I reached between my legs, I found nothing. Just skin covered in light creamy white feathers. I searched further, trying to find something, anything down below. As I reached back, I found it got even weirder. Instead of my hand going past my legs and curing up, it went back further. Almost sloping back instead of curving up my butt.

I kept softly running my fingers against the skin until I found something. As soon as I made contact with it, I pulled my hand away. The feeling was a combination of many things I've felt before, but my mind could not think of exactly what it was. I walked back to the mirror on the wall; from my view, nothing looked different. Maybe a few extra feathers here and there. But I knew way more changed than I originally bargained for.

I tried turning around and lifting my tail. While I couldn't raise it high enough from my standing position, it moved further and became more agile in all directions. Moving it felt...more natural? I didn't have to think as much to get it to sway to the side or flare. It just kind of happened as soon as I put the slightest effort into it, similar to how moving your arm requires zero thought. But the furthest I could move it upwards was to just above level with my butt, and I leaned forward and found that that also lifted the tail further.

So I leaned forward until my eyes looked at my mirror reflection. I was able to see this view only by looking between my knees. Once I was in this position, I tried lifting my tail again.

Feathers. That was all I saw; there was a slight divot in the middle but nothing visible in this sea of contour feathers. I reached back and felt the feathers, trying to find whatever was hiding underneath. I pushed the feathers aside and was able to get a glimpse of what it was. Just a hole. Not perfectly round and indeed not human.

I stood up and lowered my tail. I turned around and stared at myself. I really had taken it too far. I allowed myself to change for convenience, but now I know this was much worse. But at the same time, I couldn't hide it forever and had to leave today at some point.

I pulled out my phone and searched for Hawk tail hole, not knowing what to expect. But almost immediately, I saw the same word Rylie had mentioned. Cloaca. The page I found explained that it is a singular hole for the urinary, fecal, and reproductive systems. As Rylie put it, "The do everything hole," which made sense now.

I started getting myself ready to walk to the AA house. I knew biking would not be an option, and I could not bring myself to call for a ride. I put on a clean t-shirt and grabbed a pair of basketball shorts, thinking they would be easiest to wear. I attempted to put the shorts on, working until they reached the top of my legs. With my rear reconfiguring itself, there was nowhere for the shorts to hold onto. Imagine putting on your pants but leaving your butt hanging out.

I tried to take a few steps, but they would fall as soon as I let go. The reflection of myself looked just as ridiculous. A half man, half hawk, trying to put on pants. I gave up and decided today would also have to be my first pant's free day. The first of many, I don't think the chances of ever wearing pants again are very high.

The walk between my home to the AA house would take me around twenty minutes on foot. The sooner I left, the less busy it would be. Not to mention I already felt like I was doing something wrong and illegal just going out half dressed.

So I started walking. Well, maybe walking isn't the best way to describe it. I was jogging to get out of the public as soon as possible. I was halfway there, near Bryant park, when I heard a car horn honk. It was off in the distance, but with me already on edge, I picked up the pace and got further away. Even if the honk was not for me, I'd rather not have been seen, to begin with.

After a solid fifteen minutes of fast walking/jogging, I was finally at the house. Now would be the flood of questions. You had just changed, so why would it have happened again? That question and many more were all I expected. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, opened the door, and was ready for the reactions.

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