Possessive boss

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Kinn asks me to go to his quarters. He's getting dressed, almost finished. He fires me questions about Vegas room and I can manage only short answers.

- Um, yes, I went in.... Full of torture devices, most of the things there I don't even know what they're for... No, I wasn't caught, I left just before he came.

I don't know why I'm lying. I just don't want to repeat our conversation, I feel slightly embarrassed about the whole situation, and it's between Vegas and me, not my boss's business.

But he's stepping over the boundaries, asking me what do I think about Vegas's kink.

- All those things... that's gross. And I'm a straight man - I say, raising my gaze, daring him to contradict me.

Kinn is looking at me with a calculating look, deep in thought. I then realise we have never talked about Vegas being gay... I think of giving an explanation, then I let the idea go because it would be even more suspicious.

Kinn's gaze on me is freezing cold.

- What were you saying to him earlier on? Don't talk to him or anyone in the minor family unless it's strictly necessary!

I can tell he's really mad, but I can't shut up:

- He came to light my cigarette and speak to me nicely, I can't just be rude, I have manners! - I answer back.

After this exchange, I think Chan got orders to make my training more difficult. He's been making me do all sort of hard tasks that leave me exhausted and frustrated if I can't pass them.

A feeling of unfairness is growing inside me. I look around and I don't see the other bodyguards doing half of the shit I'm forced to do.


In our next mission we have to deal with a traitor. I'm face to face with everything I hate from the mafia. Things go out of hand and I have to shoot a man. I kill for the first time. It's me or him.

One of the bullets of that motherfucker grazed my shoulder.
When I get home, my shirt sleeve is full of blood and the fabric is sticking to my skin. I start undressing and peeling my clothes to clean the blood when Kinn appears.

He's softened a bit after our last conversation. He brings a box with medicines and starts tending to my wound.

- That was your first time, right? - he says.

I know what he means. I nod slowly, but I don't want to think about it as my "first time", I don't want it to be a second and a third time.

When he finishes, his hands stay a bit too long on my skin, he holds my shoulders and then he slides his hands down my arms. I feel the callouses left by firearms scratching slightly the back of my arms.

The atmosphere is getting weird, so I thank him, stand up and go to my room.

Why are men attracted to me now? Because that touch was unequivocally sexual.

Kinn... And Vegas. I'm tired of them both.

I go to my room and watch a porn film, I look at the women and find out I am still attracted to them. Good.

I touch myself watching boobs and pussies but when I'm about to cum I have a wild thought of Vegas swallowing all.



My routine is extremely boring and Chan is getting on my nerves more and more. I have to remind myself that I am doing this for Porchay.

I seem to keep making mistakes, but my physical test results are improving.

I've been avoiding Kinn as much as I can. Tonight, I can't, though, there's an auction and we're all going. Kinn has even been choosing my outfit personally, which annoys me a bit, he treats me as one of his possessions.

When we arrive at the venue, I spot Vegas sitting in one of the velvety boothys. He's stunning in his white suit, sitting as if he owned the place, he looks so cool my gaze is glued to his direction.

Kinn is also in his best looks, with a strong domineering aura around him. I see Vegas going to his table and talking to him, then they look towards me. After a few sentences, Vegas leaves again.

My knees are a bit softer after watching them, whether from anticipating the punishment that will come from Kinn or because Vegas spoke to him about me.

When a waiter carrying glasses of champagne comes nearby, I down one or two to take the edge off my nerves. It doesn't work straight away, so I try again. And again.

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