Starting Over

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'You gave him keys to my aparment? Seriously?' Kim did not bothered to say hi or hello to her mother the instance she answered her call. Her face was grim with anger, she was in her room and left Benjie outside her living room without a word.

Like always her mother decided to meddle with her life by giving her ex boyfriend a key to her apartment.

'Hi baby, I miss you!' her Mom Calli greeted, totally unaffected by her rage.'When are you gonna visit me here in the shop?'

'So why? Why did you gave Benjie a key to my apartment?' Kim ignored the question and asked her mother once more.

'Well, he wanted to talk to you and you're not answering his call.' Her mom reasoned, Kim closed her eyes and unconsciously massages her temple, her head throbbing.

'So just because I'm not answering his calls you thought that it's okay to give him access to MY apartment?' Her temper flaring up.

'Baby, he told me you had some lovers quarrel and that he wanted to make it up to you. I know he's been sending you flowers everyday and waited for you in your office but you're avoiding him. Kimberly, give the guy some slack.' Her mother said as if talking to a child.

Kim counted one to ten before answering her mother, 'Mom didn't it ever occur to you that Benjie did some enormous mistake that made me avoid him? That he did something that hurt me?'

'Benjie? Cmmon Kim, I know Benjie too well, he could not do anything to hurt you. He love you so much!' Her mom lectured, defending Benjie. 'Stop pushing him away, he loves you and you love him, forget about your pride and give the boy a chance.'

'What are you now? Benjie's lawyer? Mom! Stop this! No matter what you do we are not getting back together!' Kim's voice raised, temper on the verge of breaking.

'Kimberly! I was merely helping you love birds to kiss and make up. I know you too well, you will not give Benjie a chance to explain, at least hear him ---'

'Whatever Mom.' Kim hanged up on her mother and drew a deep breath. She paced inside her room, her mind racing on how she can throw her ex boyfriend out of her apartment. She brushed her hands on her face as she sat down on the side of her bed.

Her mom has alway been like that, Benjie's defender. Ever since they got together her mother would always side with Benjie whenever they got a fight. And she always, ALWAYS find ways to make her forgive him. But not this time, not with what Benjie has done.

He did not just put their relationship on the line when he slept with her boss, but her job as well. Imagine her boss! Of all people he had the nerve to sleep and fool around with her boss and acted as if nothing happened, that it was perfectly fine to screw your girlfriend's boss.

'Argh!' Kim screamed in frustration, placing both of her hand over her eyes, her head threatening to explode any minute.

'Love?' Came the tentative knock on her bedroom door, Benjie. Kim's eyes narrowed at the close door, she get up and took 2 quick strides to open it.

'Get out! Get out of my house!' She yelled and dragged him by his arm.

Benjie tried to get hold of her and hug her, but her anger gave Kim the strength she doesn't know she posses to drag and push him out of her apartment's door.

'Kim! Kim, listen! Will you please listen!' Benjie struggled to get hold of Kim and keep his balance. 'I'm sorry, I didn't know that Maggie was your boss, had I known --'

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2013 ⏰

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