48/ Xiaobao is leaving!

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Liang Han also felt that the other party was very tough, but it seemed that An Ziniang, that is, Wang Xianghua, seemed to be a famous shrew in the village. 

It's no surprise to be able to fight with her husband. The only surprise is the timing.

However, Liang Han also listened to other people's gossip, and did not intend to delve into why.

"Aunt Wang is notoriously powerful, so how can you lose in a fight with Uncle Long. But why are they still fighting when it's already in the twelfth lunar month? Although Aunt Wang is powerful, she's not unreasonable?" Liang Han said casually.

"That's true, but I was playing with An Zi in his house, and I didn't hear anything." Liang Lei took a few pieces of firewood to the bottom of the stove, "Oh, it will definitely spread in the village tomorrow. You should go out and listen to it tomorrow because you should know because What's the matter, how can the village keep secrets?"

"Yes." In a village, everyone lives close by. 

Anyone can know what they eat, let alone such a big thing. 

The good deeds in the village will definitely not miss such a big news.

Xiao Shitou immediately said positively. "Uncle Liang, if you want to know, I will help you find out tomorrow."

Liang Han pierced him with a smile, "Why are you helping me find out, you clearly want to go out to play. Why, just It's been holding back for two or three days?"

Xiao Shishi shook his head and explained, "How can there be..." 

He smiled embarrassedly.

"Okay, I won't stop you if you like to go out and play." In his opinion, children should be more lively, "Go and play with your friends tomorrow. Bring Xiaobao with you."

Zhu Yucheng squeezed the ball's hand. 

After a pause, he looked at the smiling little stone beside him. 

He didn't say that he likes to go out and play, and he doesn't have any friends he likes.

Liang Lei looked at the two children and asked, "Are you going out to play, or who are you going to?" 

Some stingy people don't like children going to their house.

Liang Han also knew something. 

Now everyone burns the kang at home, and the activity takes place on the kang. 

Some families have many children, so they visit the village all over the place and go to other people's homes to warm themselves. 

Some people don't care, but it's hard to keep a few stingy. 

She thought that the child had soiled the kang of her house, and that the child was so noisy that she couldn't do a good job. 

There are excuses anyway.

"If you don't have a place to go, you can bring your child to our house." Liang Han said very generously. 

Anyway, he didn't have a lot of family, so a few more children would be noisy and lively.

Little Stone paused, embarrassed to say his image in the minds of his friends. 

He thought to himself.

 "Maizi and the others are terrible for Uncle Liang, how could they be willing to come."

Zhu Yucheng also had a certain understanding of Liang Han's reputation these days. 

While wondering, "Is it a rumor that may not be credible?" and wondering, "Or is the prodigal son finally turned around?"

So Zhu Yucheng decided to kindly remind Liang Han. "They think you are scary, and it is safest to stay away from you. They regard you here as a The devil's lair. Therefore, they will refuse to come to your house."

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