11: Stay for another five days!

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Liang Han, who was busy growing vegetables in the entrance space at midnight last night, didn't sleep well. 

Because Zhang Qingzhu said yesterday that he wanted to eat cabbage rolls in the morning, after hearing the sound of chickens crowing, he forced himself to wake up. 

Although there is still some time before dawn, but he is afraid that he will lie down and go back to sleep and oversleep, so he should just get up. Glancing at Zhang Qingzhu, who was snoring and sleeping comfortably, he ordered to get up and make breakfast.

Liang Han, who was quite sleepy at first, was completely refreshed when the cold wind blew through the door of the main room. 

He went to the kitchen to open the water tank and found that there was not much water. He forgot to fetch water yesterday because he was busy growing vegetables. 

After washing his face with the cold water in the tank, Liang Han took a pole and a wooden bucket and prepared to go to the village to fetch water.

After leaving the gate and locking the door, Liang Han walked into the village with a bucket. Most of the people in the village do not have wells, and they have to fetch water from the old, old well at the east end of the village.

It was not yet full daylight, but it did not hinder walking. 

Liang Han came to the ancient well, thinking that since he had come to fetch water, he would store some water in the pool in the planting space before everyone came out.

He was busy until the sky turned white, and he saw a villager coming over with a bucket. 

Liang Han hurriedly stopped the action of storing water in the space, and then went home with two buckets of water. 

He thought to use the two buckets of water first, and then go to fill the water tank after breakfast.

After returning home, Liang Han began to work. 

First, burn both pots, heat the small pot with hot water, and make the cabbage rolls in the large pot. 

If he followed his own thoughts, he would definitely just drink some boiled water and forget about the porridge, which would save trouble. 

Just in order to prevent the master from clamoring for porridge again and making a fuss at the dining table so that he couldn't eat well, he decided to prepare it first.

The so-called cabbage roll is actually rolling the prepared dough into a relatively large skin with a rolling pin. 

Then sprinkle the cabbage mixed with oil and salt, and then roll up the dough to form a long strip. Seal the two ends, and then slightly flatten them with a rolling pin, you can put them on the grates and steam them. 

Liang Han made six of them, each of which is not too big but not too small. 

After it is cooked, you can directly cut it from the middle and eat it, so that the juice inside will not run out.

Seeing that the water in the cauldron was boiling, Liang Han poured some hot water into the wooden basin. 

This is the face wash reserved for Zhang Qingzhu, and half a bowl is left to dry. This is the water to feed the rabbits. The rabbit he picked up has been raised for a few days and is still alive and well.

After the meal was ready, Liang Han first went to deliver the rabbit's food and water. Seeing that the rabbit was nibbling on the leaves of the vegetables normally, he thought, "I have eaten honestly, it seems that I can support myself.

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