It's you

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Ok well
I have no idea what this is 😂

I was listening this beautiful piece called Found by Marika Takeuchi on loop and go listen to it right now especially if you want to read the small scenarios down here (also listen to the rest of her stuff it's really good)

But hey I was feeling emotional and the piece is so good and I miss Xingqiu right now (yes I know he doesn't exist) and so I just wrote this to indulge (I wish he could be real 😭)

Anyway enjoy I guess?
Tell me if you liked it!

Warning: it's short 😭



The young man turns around at the sound of your voice. You start running through the field.

You've waited so long. You thought you had lost him.

The rhythm of your steps keep increasing, scared you'll lose him again if you aren't fast enough.

You trip over a lump of dirt, get up, and continue pushing forward.

He's just there, hesistant, lost, wandering if what he sees is only real.

"Xingqiu!... It's me... {y/n}!"

Has he forgotten? Has it been too long?
You carry on, pressing forward.

"{y/n}...?", he mumbles.

His amber eyes flash up, full of dispair, loneliness, hopelessness.
He looks at the figure trying to make its way to him.

It really is you.

His golden eyes light up, all the sorrow washing away, hope shining through.
Tears start filling his eyes, yours are already crying.


It starts by a few hesistant steps, and before he knows it, he finds himself running in your direction.

The distance between the two of you closes in, though you can't see anything through the blur.
You stretch out towards him, right as he reaches you and takes you into his embrace.

You take in his familiar sent while trying to catch your breath.

It really is him.

You are home, at last.

You are both sobbing in the middle of the field, locked in each other's embrace, not taking a care in the world if anyone were to see you. No one could take you away from him right now.

Xingqiu takes your face in both of his hands, looking deeply in your {e/c} eyes.

"{y/n}... it really is you"

You nod, still not having the strength to speak.

Xingqiu wraps his arms around your neck and hides his face in your hair.

"You came back"

You nod again, another sob breaking out.

"I'm never leaving you again", you finally manage to speak, squeezing him even tighter.

"Me neither", he answers as he reciprocates your action.

You slowly break away from the embrace, freeing your hands to wipe your still teary eyes.

The wind rises, a cool breeze picking up. It is time to leave this place.

You wrap your arms around Xingqiu's neck as he picks you up bridal-style.

"Come on now. Let's go home."

Xingqiu x Reader - A collection of Oneshots and POVsWhere stories live. Discover now