Prologue: It Starts Again

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Third POV

- Unknown Time/Date - 

Somewhere in a random city, a brown hair, mature woman is seen hurrying down a street.





"Why does it have to start raining now..." she groan as the rain starts pouring down upon her and the few others that still remained outside in the street. As she hurried and turn left around the corner of the street, she collides with someone and falls backs on the wet ground. "Ow..." she said.

"Oh, my apologies. I didn't see you there." a male voice rung out as he lend his hand out for her.  "No, its fine. It was my fault for not watching where I was going." she said as she takes the stranger's hand, pulling herself up. 

The woman took a good look at the stranger and sees that the stranger was holding an umbrella and was wearing lateranian like clothing with a hood and a somewhat long neckerchief. What was most surprising was the lack of any other features of the ancients of Terra. But she assume that his clothing is probably hiding his feature. 


After pulling the woman up, seeing that she was getting soaked from the rain I hover my umbrella over her, while ignoring the rain that fell upon me.

"Want me to escort you to the closest shelter from the rain?" I asked. "I would appreciate it." the woman accepted my offer.

I nod and led her to a bus shelter that was two block across from where we were at. When we got there, she thank me and I simply nod with a smile and turn around to continue my walk through the rain. 

"Kranus..." I spoke to myself. "Yes?" a voice spoke back.

'Who's Kranus....?'

"What am I suppose to do? It's been almost a year and nothing has happened." I said.

"The best thing you can do is just wait." Kranus spoke. "That's what I'm  worried about. How long or how short do I have to wait. I will not be surprise if I have to wait like a century or two for something or someone to drag me in their conflict or something." I deflated. 

"Why not show me how you live a normal life then." Kranus requested. "...." I remained silent at Kranus's request. 

'Wait, wait, wait what do I mean by showing him what a normal life is? Who is he and where am I?'

As the rain continues to fall upon this city, I take a look up to the sky and with a sigh, I continued my way. 

"Well, I might as well enjoy this "normal" life and show you, Kranus." I told myself. 

Then everything around me began to blur and shift very fast. 


Then my surrounding stop blurring and shifting to see myself back in the same place and area but without the rain.

'I don't remember this city....'

I was out taking my daily walk around the city, till I saw a familiar person and it looks like she was waiting for someone. I've got a feeling that she was looking for me but I shrug it off and proceed to continue my walk. As I walked closer, she seem to have spotted me and waved her hand at me before walking towards me.

"I should've trusted my guts..."  I thought to myself as she and I stop before each other. 

"Sir, uuumm I would like to know what's your name?" she asked and I look at her. "Before I answer your question, how did you know where I was going to be and why were you looking for me?" I asked

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