Washed Ashore

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The thunder raged in the sky as lighting flashes battle the air, we couldn't see a thing holding on for our dear life's the strong winds battled the high waves of the sea, we had to tie rope to our lower waist just in case we fell overboard, sadly a few of our crew didn't make it time. Bashing into the sides my body is getting weaker to think we just wanted to visit a croal reef island, even the weather man said it was gonna be fine that bastard, if I die I'm haunting him first, a wave smacked me in the face pulling me out of thought.

"SARA!" I looked up to see our ship's captain.

"Grab ahold of my hand! it's much safer here" He yelled.

I can barely hear him through the rain and wind, I don't think anyways safe but I'll take that chance. Pulling myself towards them after every wake the captain and a few others there reach there arms out for me, just as a big wave hits I slip falling back onto something hard, a little dizzy looking towards them... shit them falling back i guess I'm really going to die huh. When suddenly I stop I feel a hand grabbing hold of me. It was the captain! like out of one of them superhero movies, when the innocent bystander is about to get killed, but at the last second the hero saves them, yer just like that. I grab back hold and we pull ourselves with the rest of the group, I don't know where he got the strength from and I'm guessing I'm on adrenaline, but this is defentiy a much safer part of the boat we hold tight it's gonna be a long day.

Crashing and smashing the brutal waves smacking against our boat, then a strong wind hits us as the captain turns around.

"Oh shit" we hear him say, the most biggest wave I've ever seen heading right at us, my eyes are glued to it almost like it's looking at me, I can hear yelling in the background but its blurry, honesty I'm to weak for this, I felt my arm being pulled along but bit was too late we went over.

The is freezing a cold where it's hard to breathe, as soon as you come up your trying to find a way out of the water, we are all wearing life jackets but I can't stay calm, everytime I reach the surface a take a breath I'm immediately pushed back down by the waves, giving all the strength I have left trying to look for the boat I'm pushed back down again, going again I'm not before I even break the surface slowly my eyes start to close, my mouth open for air and the water swollows me in, at the end of it of I'm warm until darkness takes me.

I can voices, I can think again, am I dead, is this heaven? Everything is still black, I can't see anything and the voices are blurry, they sound like women but I'm not with it to be honest, it brings my train of thought back to the everyone on bored the ship, did they life? Are they dead like me, I stop thinking again as the voices go.

My eyes start to open as the sun hits them, I feel foggy and drained. After a minute or so I get a better look at my surroundings.

I'm in a bed? i thought to myself, looking around I can feel a breeze hit my skin... holy cow I'm naked! "W-where are my close" i started to panic a little.

"Wait I am really dead" I guess in heaven you don't need any, still a little embarrassing tho. looking around more holding the bed sheet over me the bed is huge, I've never seen one like this before, beside the bed there's a basket of fruit, as I'm about to grab one I hear a voice as the door open.

"Oh human your awake"
I'm in shocked and disbelief to what I'm seeing, she then takes a look at me.

"I know this must hard for you to belive but yes I'm a lamia"

Before she can continue I finally found my voice... "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"

Hello everyone~
I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my new story! Lamia are the best ❤ If you did enjoy please consider

Until the next chapter see you~

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