Part V: A Last Resort Part B

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I wasn't upset. I wasn't sad, I wasn't even angry. Sylvester was bound to come for me sooner than I had anticipated. We sat in the car in silence on the way back to my grandparents. I called ahead and told them that "I'm needed" back in Georgia. They said ok. They knew who came for me, and they couldn't do much else. The car stopped in front of their house. My grandparents were standing on the porch with my bags. Security stepped out with me to grab my things, I pushed past them so I could hug my grandparents. The embrace was warm. We said nothing but waved goodbye, neither one of us shedding a tear.

I was motioned to a different car on our way back to the airport. The door opened. My fiancè. A big grin on his face as he blew a kiss to me. Looking past him I saw another person in the darkness sitting next to him. I was very erie about the passenger next to him. It wasn't Argent. We pulled off and headed for the airport.

"So, you up and leave at the height of our wedding preparations, the election, and you didn't even try to contact me, your fiancè", Sylvester said. Before I even answered I saw who our ride along was and I was completely shaken to my core. It was Avery, and he looked like he seen better days. Bruises, cuts, gashes on his arm, and swelling almost everywhere. I snapped my focus back to Sylvester and answered, "I apologize for my abrupt leaving Sylvester, I was very stressed and needed a little bit of comfort. So I took the opportunity that I had to stay with my grandparents". He then replied, "That's fine, just a little warning next time. I gotta give it to Argent though. I thought he was gonna make it hard for me to find you, and yet he didn't. You got a good best friend there, and no... Argent didn't know you had left of course, but he knew where you would run off to when you get "stressed". He cleared his throat and began again, "Ah yes, the special guest, Avery Cappoleni, your ex, the motherfucker who put his lips on you and disrespected your virtue. Well, he found out the hard way of what happens when you sexually assault someone in broad daylight". The car stopped, Sylvester looked at me, his eyes cold and soulless. The car door open and Avery tipped out and face planted into the ground below. Sylvester motioned his guys to stand Avery up. "Mister Cappoleni, you are here by my decree for the suffering you put my fiancè through, and the disrespect that you showed them in the market today, how do you plee"? asked Sylvester. Avery looking so worn out replied, "Guilty, of all accounts, Addison I'm so sorry, please forgive me" he said whimpering. Sylvester glanced back up at me, this time, very serious, "And how do we wish to proceed"? Sylvester asked.
I swallowed hard, and said, "Release him, he's had enough, but what I will say is, Avery if you ever contact me any shape or form, then I probably won't be around the next time my fiancè plays Judge, jury and executioner". With that I turned away and got back in the car.

As the door shut behind me Sylvester gave Avery one more parting shot to his face, and with that, Avery k.o'd. After that then men swept him up and drove him to the hospital. Sylvester sat down next to in the car. "I'm sorry you had to see that, but I don't tolerate disrespect, no matter who are", I was getting hot all over again as he caressed my thigh. What is he doing? Is this not the same demon that was forcing me to be put on display as his trophy? Is he just trying to get me to open up. I don't understand it. I feel... Conflicted.

We got back home pretty quick. The last few hours were a blur and I was to exhausted to recalculate anything. Once we got home we immediately went to our separate rooms. I dropped everything in my room and went to shower. As I finished I laid in my bed staring at the ceiling. I closed my eyes and begin to fantasize.

The fantasy: I could see him, the man I wish to be with, he lay his head on my stomach, kissing my abdomen, all the way down to my naval, his hands strong and firm, going up and down my legs, he starts kissing my legs, "Don't stop", I said, my legs swung over his shoulders onto his back. He grabbed my inner thighs and pulled me closer to him biting my neck while his hands firmly gripped my thighs. I moaned. We rolled over, this time with me on top opening myself up for him and him penetrating me vigorously, bouncing up and down then pinning him down with my thighs, riding him like there was no tomorrow. He sits up and wraps his arms around me, I wrap my legs around him, both of us in a tight embrace, not giving the other an inch of relief. "Almost there, almost there, please don't stop sexy, keep going, we're about to... Mmmmm finish. Thank you.

I opened my eyes and looked around, then at the mess I created. Until next time I guess. But for now. Another shower.

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