Part V: A Last Resort Part A

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Over the next lump sum of months the day I dreaded came. It was election year. Being taught where to stand how to speak when in public, photo ops along with wedding preparations and invites and so on and so forth was just ludicrous to me. Everyone from my friends and family, to my coworkers and possible boss, everyone seemed happy. Even Sylvester seemed to be in such high spirits. Only time I saw him was for our "political" activities. Stay with me now, cause it gets ruff from here, and this unfortunately may be my last resort.

March 20XX: Commercial broadcasts of Sylvester giving the normal politician fluff and fold. Meanwhile I had to begin my part of being a supportive fiancè. I felt fake and disgusting letting him touch me, and lie about how he proposed to me in Barbados. How I wanted to expose him so bad. Fraud. It was worse living with him too, having to put up this facade of being a happy couple was exhausting. I despised him, but what could I do? Nothing, exactly nothing, except smiles and waves.

May (Mother's Day): Mom was over the moon with joy and kept fantasizing about me in the governor's manor with my future creep. It was so hard to swallow my pride when ma talked about the wedding and the election coming up this year. I feel as if I disgraced her.
The Day After: Sylvester knocked on my door and opened it. We glanced at each other for a moment and he began walking towards my bed. He sat at the foot on the opposite side from me. It was silent for a few minutes. He finally broke the silence and said, "There will be a line of wedding planners here tomorrow, I'm too busy to handle these little items right now, so you pick one and give them this portfolio to put everything together. All you have to do is keep being the figure you are." I shook my head in agreement. He finally got and started for the door. Without another word he left, and I went to bed.
The Next Day: I awoke to silence. It was early, and I had hours before picking a victim to join this mass avalanche of lies. I woke up and went to go shower. In the shower, I just stood there thinking about all of the things that just happened in the span of last year to now. Before I realized it my bathroom door swung open. It was him, though the glass was fogged up from the steam, I knew it was him. He came over and pulled the shower door open and stepped right in. Are eyes met. "Good morning," he said. I replied back and said, "Sup". I reached for the shower door to leave until he grabbed my wrist. There was a pause for a moment, as he wiped water from his face. He pulled me back and positioned me up the wall. He was breathing steadily, I looked away from his face. Damn! Why does he look so appealing right now! He put his hand over my face and leaned his body into mine. From there he began biting me, biting me all over my body, from my neck to my chest, my legs, all the way back to my lips. By the time he got to my mouth he stopped. My face was still covered by his hand. He finally removed it, and before I knew it, I was off the ground. We were both wet, and to avoid falling, I wrapped my legs around him, and began to straddle him tightly. I felt him inside me, GOD this man can lay down some pipe! Not only was I trapped in pure wet ecstasy, I didn't want him to stop. I guess it's true about what they say when it comes to demon dick. Sylvester was in his best efforts to try and get me moan, and it was working. The heat surrounded my body from him and the water, I couldn't begin to think how long we were in the bathroom until he finally nutted(on the shower floor). That whole time in the shower he never put me down until he finished. Sylvester even set me down with ease when he finished. He finally washed up and left my bathroom with only a towel around him. I was completely flabbergasted at the boldness of this letch, but fuck did I want to go for round two.

June: Georgia heat is not something you want to write home about. From the middle of June to the end the heat just kept racking up and it was non-stop. Outdoor venues were the worst. Even if there were a pavilion or tents out there, this heat was no joke. My fiance seemed to be content with the heat, but I guess I shouldn't expect much from a hellspawn such as himself.

July: The fourth was pretty intense, between the back to back campaigning, photo shoots, and bbq and firework preparation, had left me gasping for a little relief to get off of my feet. Our last stop was East Beach on St. Simons Island. The drive was long but it felt quick. I was helped out of the car and looked around the area. Just then a swimsuit was tossed at me by Sylvester. "Hurry up and change, we're attending a beach party tonight that the Mayor is hosting", he said. I was then escorted to a changing area on the beach's boardwalk. I finally emerged and joined Sylvester. After a few hours of speeches, hand shaking and what not, we were finally able to relax and enjoy the refreshing water of the ocean. I sat down on the bank of the sand close enough for the water to slim my calves. I looked around the beach. Catching glimpses of families pointing at me in excitement as if I was a celebrity. I leaned back onto the bank and let my imagination just overflow with the pros and cons of these plans. Either way, the biggest con was that I was being used, but still was to be rewarded. This is absolute hell. I began to slowly open my eyes. I looked around the beach again. Most of the families were gone. Some of the beach-goers started to leave or go up to the boardwalk and grab spots to watch the fireworks. I stayed, however and decided to watch from the banks. Night finally smiled upon us. And the show began. Sylvester appeared and grabbed me from behind and started nuzzling my neck. He said, "Make this look good", and he began to fondle every inch of the private and torso, biting, kissing, and manhandling me. My toes curled in the sand, the water still skimming my body. His aggression and sexual appetite left me hungry for some action myself. The noise from the fireworks covered my moans, and his loud growls, our bodies went from light to dark every now and then from the effects of the fireworks. What is wrong with me? I don't know, but I like it. I can also say, July pretty much ended off with a literal bang two.

August: I needed some time out of Georgia, and away from everyone regarding this election. So without warning. I left in the dead of night. I bought a plane ticket to visit my grandparents up in Martha's Vineyard. They knew I was coming and I asked them to not tell my parents. As I landed at the airport, a rush of excitement filled me. Seeing my grandparents again always warms my heart. The sun had started to rise by the time I got to their home. My grandaddy was normally up at this hour. One knock on the door and he came and opened it. I immediately hugged him once I saw him. Just as I entered the house, my nana walked out of their room and jogged over to hug and kiss me. My grandparents are the best people to come to about a problem, and after a little breakfast, I told them everything that had happened, minus the x-rated stuff. Needless to say they both weren't happy. My nana gave me a little pearl of wisdom to hold onto. She said, "To have our own kingdom conquered, we are to blame, but if we build a wall around our kingdom, then we are the conquerors' '. And with that, I hugged them both and enjoyed my stay.
One week and a day later: While I was out shopping with Nana I was in utter shock to see him here. Avery. My ex. I quickly turned around and walked away not realizing that I had just left my grandmother in the market. I did a quick about face and sailed back over to where she was standing. As I scanned the market I finally found her, talking to Avery's mother and aunt. Oh no! Avery then appeared and our eyes met. Damn! "Here he comes," I thought to myself. Avery toward me immensely. He squatted down a little bit to hug me, and grabbed my face and laid a kiss on me. IN THE MIDDLE OF THE MARKET! I heard the women behind say "Awe". This wasn't an "awe" moment, this man physically abused me when we were dating. I pushed him off of me and spat at him, "DISGUSTING!" I yelled. My nana hurried over to comfort me. She hurried me out of the market and to the car. Avery? The very last person I wanted to see.

Ugh. Avery. Fucking Avery! Out of all of my exes, I run into the abusive one. The drive back was silent. Nana said nothing until we got back to the house. I brought the groceries in while nana stormed in the house. I flew in right behind her bags in hand. Nana shut the door behind me and marched into the den. Now, I know when ever she gets like this she always approaches my grandad, grabs Sheila (her shotgun) and waits for the next line of stupidity to come to the door. Imagine seeing a 5'3, 119lb, 73 year old black woman carrying a rifle half her size ready to blow off someones head for messing with her grandbaby. Welp, the doorbell rang and my grandaddy went to go open it. Before he grabbed the doorknob and lock, he turned around to my grandmother and said, "Now Doris, I love you woman, but understand, if you go down, I'm not posting your bail". Nana retorted, "Freddie Wade Jackson, unless you want to catch the buck off of Sheila, open the door and step aside". With that he opened the door and nana raised her gun.

Nana cocked her gun until a familiar voice broke through the clicking. "WAIT NANA DON'T SHOOT, ITS ME ARGENT"! said the voice. Nana lowered Sheila in relief and then returned backed to the den with Sheila. Argent spoke again, "Jesus, I'm glad she didn't go all Mississippi on me and take my head off". Anyways how are pops"? As he we walked in with his hand out for a handshake. Grandad took Argents hand and shook it. "I'm good son", he said. Nana came out and hugged Argent and the asked, "What are you doing here"? We all went to the kitchen and sat down while grandad and I made lunch. Apparently Argent heard that I left somewhere and set out to find me, and of course, being my best friend he knew exactly where I would've gone. Especially if I try to get away from a problem. We talked and talked and laughed until Argent stood up. He said, " Thank you for having me, I'm sorry for dropping in unannounced, but I should really be getting back to my hotel. Addi, if you can, can you meet me there after you have dinner"?
"Sure", I said. Argent left and my grandparents began dinner. We we're talking so long, I didn't realize that it was already seven. I got up and went to go shower.

After my shower, I told the grands that was going to go see Argent now, and I that I'll eat when I come back. As I left the house, I felt a cautious pit in my stomach but ignored it. Minutes later I pulled up to the hotel that Argent was staying in. I texted him that I was down stairs and he sent me the room number. I walked in and got to the hotel room. I knocked on the door and Argent opened it. "Hey", I said, "Why do you look like that AJ"? Argent look completely flushed and distorted and upset, and before I could answer to the caution in my stomach, a bunch of "Men in Black" looking goons came up from behind me and muscled me into the room. I turned around ready to fight and shielded Argent in the process. One of the goons spoke out loud, "We found your fiancè sir, the friend wasn't lying". Oh no.

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