8 • Touch-Starved

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After breakfast, Din offers to help you with some of the morning chores. Despite the fact that he's still healing from his injuries, you decide to let him do a few things like sweep the back porch and check the crops for insects—nothing too strenuous.

He eventually joins you in the barn, where you're spreading hay on the ground. The goats seem to pique his interest and he curiously approaches their pen. Their bleats grow louder and more frantic upon the sight of a stranger.

"Relax. He's alright." You reassure them, grinning as you glance over your shoulder.

"Are they friendly?" He asks.

You brush your hands off on your pants. "For the most part. They're just skittish around strangers."

Walking over to the pen, you reach over the gate and offer your hand to the closest doe. She recognizes your scent and eagerly approaches to lick your fingers.

"Wanna try?" You ask, glancing over at Din.

He seems hesitant to answer, so you gently take his hand and guide it over the gate, your fingers brushing against rough callouses and raised stripes of scar tissue. There's no objection from him—he simply watches and waits.

The same doe who licked your fingers eyes Din's hand with an anxious glint in her gaze. She shifts her stance sideways to keep one of the kids from approaching.

"It's okay." You reassure her. "He won't hurt you."

She gives a skeptical snort and continues to inspect him from a distance. The kid behind her bleats impatiently and tries to squeeze past, thinking you have treats. That gives you an idea.

"Here. Hold this." You dig around in your pocket, then hand Din a rectangular brick the size of a fingernail.

"What is it?" He asks, turning it over in his palm.

"Compressed yernroot mixed with honey. They love it." You tell him. Your hand still lingers near his. "Offer it to them and see if they'll take it."

With your guidance, Din slowly lowers his hand back into the pen. The doe is instantly interested in the treat laying in his palm, but still appears too hesitant to approach. Her kid, however, could care less and rushes to steal the treat.

Din instinctively flinches away, not wanting to lose a finger. You lay your hand on his forearm before he fully pulls away.

"He's just excited. He won't bite you." You say, hoping to settle his nerves.

Din looks at you, then back at the treat. A few moments pass before he offers his hand to the kid.

The kid sniffs all over Din's hand, taking in the new scents before swiping the treat with his tongue and gobbling it down.

"Tickles, doesn't it?" You say, laughing a little.

He eventually manages a small chuckle and admits, "I've never done anything like this before."


"My last animal encounter was with a blurrg, and she nearly took my arm off at the shoulder."

"What's a blurrg?"

Din stifles a chuckle, reminiscing on memories of Arvala-7–particularly Kuiil's blurrg training. He obviously found it amusing that you didn't know what a blurrg was. Unless they've been to Arvala-7, who would?

"Think of it as a mouth on two legs." He says, unable to keep himself from smiling under his helmet.

You try to imagine what it would look like, but are unable to do so without snickering like a schoolboy.

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