2 • Stubborn

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The next morning, warm rays of the sun stir you from slumber. You want to sleep in longer, especially after such a long night, but duty calls. Your alarm comes in the shape of Banx, who always scratches at your door while meowing from the top of his lungs.

You groan and roll over in bed. It takes a moment to will yourself to sit up. Your legs dangle over the side of the mattress as you yawn and stretch. The floorboards are frigid under your bare feet as you pad across the room towards your closet, where you quickly get dressed for the day. Banx's meows only grow louder once he hears you moving around.

"I'm coming, I'm coming..." You grumble, still trying to rub the sleep from your eyes.

After you pull your boots on, you head over to the door and open it. Banx immediately slithers through the crack and nearly trips you up as you step into the hall.

On your way to the kitchen, you linger by the guest bedroom door where you know Mando is staying. You wonder if you should check on him.

Maybe after a cup of caf.

Banx follows you into the kitchen and sits down in front of a particular cabinet with a demanding yowl.

You roll your eyes, deciding to feed him first so you don't lose a finger. You grab his bowl and reach into the cabinet to get a few scoops of kibble. After adding some bits of raw meat to it, you set it down on the floor for him. He immediately scarfs it down like he's never been fed in his entire life.

"Weirdo." You mutter under your breath, turning towards the counter to get the caf machine going.

Once the caf finishes brewing, you pour the steaming dark liquid into a mug and add a bit of cream to lighten it. Before you can even take a sip, you hear a heavy thud come from somewhere in the house. It can't be Banx, so you immediately abandon your caf and rush down the hall. You don't hesitate to open the door to Mando's room.

He's on the floor by the bed. You assume he tried to walk and failed.


"You aren't a very good listener." You murmur, kneeling down beside him to check him over.

He only huffs in response, one hand clutching his side while the other is braced against the floor.

You help him back onto the bed and get him situated. You knew he was stubborn, but not that stubborn.

"Haven't even had my first sip of caf." You shake your head at him. "Are you hungry?"

He stares at you, then nods.

"Good. Are you okay with eggs?"


"Yes, eggs. Like fresh eggs from a chicken."

"I don't think I've ever had eggs that weren't freeze dried or powdered."

"Seriously?" You ask, staring at him in disbelief.

He shakes his head.

"Well you're in for a treat." You shift your gaze to his knee. "Mind if I check your knee since you decided to fall out of bed?"

"Be my guest." He answers sarcastically.

You roll your eyes and bend over to take a look. The ice pack was still in place, thankfully—having only slid a little to the right during the fall. When you peel it away from his knee, there's an immediate difference. His skin was red—which was to be expected—but the swelling had gone down dramatically. Just like you thought it would.

Smiling to yourself, you undo the strap that's holding it in place and bundle it up in your palm.

"Good news. The swelling has gone down." You say, eying him curiously as he perks up. "I still want you to stay off of it, though. Let me check to make sure you didn't reopen your wound and then I'll leave you alone, okay?"

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