A/n and updates

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okay to all the new readers of this story, please understand the following

- English is NOT my first language. so my grammar and spelling are both absolute trash.

- i wrote this like 2 or 3 years ago, i have improved on writing, but seriously don't flame me for things i did in this story it is being re-written at the moment.

- i dont mind the adrian jokes, i find them funny, but there are certain things like teasing me for my spelling, if you just ask what i meant at the time, thats fine, i'll give you an answer but i've gotten comments that i had to delete. and before you say im just being bratty im talking 50-60 damn comments teasing me and shit. not everyone speaks fucking english perfectly like you.

now then, story writing updates.

-i've put the story on hold, i have school. i get off at 4 and i dont get home until 5pm. then i have homework. so im not fully done until maybe 7pm. then i relax i dont have time to write during the week. besides im not free much atm since its homecoming week. its pure chaos, so i only have friday, saterday, and sunday to write and relax. even then, i have friends, family and a personal life. i am NOT going to sit in front of a computer screen writing during every minute of my free time.

- i have other stories i want to work on. im not going to completely dedicate all my writing time to this story. i have others i want to get done. (see my acc for the list.) so trust me and give me time, i will try best i can to get it out as soon as possible.

-im close to being 16. once i turn 16 i have to get a job. that mean i have less free time. especially after school and on the weekends. 

thats all. i felt that had to be said so i'll keep you guys updated probs through this story, thank you for reading all of this! take care, love you all. and im sorry if the wording is harsh.


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