Chapter 9

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Recap: Then I went back to talk to Ximen.

Daoming Si's POV

So I saw Ah Hua and Ximen talking and laughing and stuff like that and I got mad no furious. So I gathered my friends Lei and Meizuo and I told them I was going to use Shancai to try to make Ah Hua jealous. But to start off with my plan the first thing  need to do is be nice to Shancai then get her to be my girlfriend then get Ah Hua's reaction. I also know that Ximen does actually like her everyone even Ah Hua knows that herself. So I start to carry out my plan. I hope this works please work. I think to myself. I go and find Shancai and try talking to her.

D- Bold

S- Normal

"Hi Shancai" I said.

"What do you want Daoming Si?" she asked.

"Nothing I just want to talk to you and get to know you that's all" as soon as I said that I saw Ah Hua and Ximen walk by so I quickly grabbed Shancai and pulled her in for a hug and I saw Ah Hua looking for a second then pull Ximen away and walk faster. Then I let go of Shancai and she punches me.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR DAOMING SI?" she asked angrily

"That uh, I uh" I didn't know what to say because I couldn't tell her I was using her so I quickly walked away. And followed behind Ximen and Ah Hua

Ah Hua's POV

So I walked pasted Daoming SI to see what he was up to, and I was gonna ask him to hang out with us but then I saw him hugging another girl and I don't know why and what came over me but I couldn't stand the fact that he was hugging a girl that wasn't me. So I quickly pulled Ximen away and asked him "Do you know who that girl was?" and he replied "she is the girl whos friend's cake got dumped onto his head and she is the one that stood up to him." Then I was like " What is he doing with her then I thought he hated her." Then Ximen asked "XiaoXue tell me honestly do you like Daoming Si?" Then I said " I don't know what your talking about." "Don't lie to me XIaoXue I see the way you look at him. Your eyes glow when you see him, you smile every time you think about him or when we or you talk about him, you" "Ok, Ok, I give up you win, I do like him so what its not like he sees me or likes me he just wants me to be his company then when he finds a girl he's gonna leave me.  Hell I don't just like him I'm in love with him and I have been since that day." "Which day?" "That day that he saved me from those kids at school and the day he kissed my cheek. But if he like Shancai I don't mind. Would I be hurt? Yes but as long as he's happy then I don't mind." "Why don't you tell him you like him XiaoXue?" "Because I'm afraid if I do things will change."  But little did I know that Daoming Si, Lei, and my brother Meizuo were there listening to our conversation. Then all of a sudden I see...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2022 ⏰

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