2. the water's rough

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Hey yall! I hope you're having a great start to the week!

Before anything, I just wanted to thank you so much for the support on the first chapter, I was not confident at all about this so it made me very happy that you guys enjoyed it!

This chapter has a bit of smut but it's not the real thing, that's reserved for next week :)

Enjoy <3


As soon as he stepped foot in his chambers, his mouth began to water from the tantalizing aroma that enveloped the air. Even in the absence of the raven, he could sensed its alluring presence. The scent seemed stronger than usual... was Sasuke in -

"Your bath awaits, Your Grace." A pink-haired servant emerged from behind the curtains, revealing herself to the blond. Contemplating for a moment, he debated whether to bathe first or meet his beloved. After a brief internal struggle, he decided to cleanse himself first. He knew his Omega would probably kick him out of his chambers if he came to him smelling like horse and sweat.

Hurriedly, he made his way to the adjacent bathing room within his chambers, where a copper bathtub awaited him. The pink-haired Omega assisted him in undressing, starting with his long coat, handling it delicately before placing it neatly aside. Her pheromones filled the air, and the blond couldn't discern whether it was intentional or a result of her nervousness. "You may leave, My Lady." Naruto said, aware that Sasuke would not appreciate the scent of other Omegas lingering on him, even if it was just his servant.

According to his estimation, Sasuke's heat was imminent, and his lover preferred neutral scents so that he could only smell himself and Naruto. Naruto was aware that the mating period could be very emotionally taxing for both of them, but omegas tended to be more vulnerable so he didn't consider this a sacrifice if it meant his Omega would be happy and comfortable.

He discarded the rest of his garments, tossing them onto the pile and walking toward the central tub in the room. A hiss escaped his lips as he immersed himself in the scalding water, relishing the searing warmth that penetrated his skin, suffusing his entire being. Water splashed upon the stone floor, surrounding him with its cascading presence.

With his arms at ease on the tub's edge, he leaned back, shutting his eyes in an attempt to perceive Sasuke's emotions. Being soul-bonded offered certain advantages, such as the ability to sense their mate's emotional states through their shared connection, regardless of their physical location, as long as they focused on their memory.

Initially, he detected a mixture of sadness and anger. Sadness was not unfamiliar to the blond. He had been feeling it on the other one every day when they were apart, and it tore at his heart during the lonely nights. However, he couldn't discern the cause of the raven's irritability.

Whatever had upset his beloved, Naruto decided it was best not to interfere.

"Thought I would never have My King back." The voice he had longed for during those months spoke. For a fleeting moment, he wondered if it was merely his imagination until he fluttered his eyes open to confirm his suspicions. "Are you avoiding me, Your Grace?" Despite the bitterness laced within the accusation, Sasuke maintained his usual stoic expression.

The Alpha shifted within the bathtub. "I believe that would be the death of me, my love."

"It certainly seemed that way." Sasuke accused, crossing his arms over his chest. "You fled the city for three full moons without a word, with nothing but a note. No letters were sent, and when you finally return, I have to uncover it through whispers from your servants."

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