Chapter 3

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Christmas soon comes to the CQ family. Tonight is the night of Christmas Eve and the boys decided to have a big slumber party to celebrate. CQ reluctantly agreed to having the sleepover though the couples had to promise to keep their doors open. And Fresh and Deccy couldn't do any experiments until after Christmas.

Deccy was the first to arrive, a big grin coming to his face as he saw their favorite show, Dexter's Laboratory, on the TV. Despite them both being absolute geniuses, they still enjoy some Sunday morning cartoons.

Ink was the next to arrive, he gave Error a quick hug, chuckling at him getting so embarrassed despite the fact no one was looking at them. The two quickly disappeared into Error's room but kept the door open like CQ requested of them.

Lastly Reaper showed up, much to Geno's surprise. When he opened the door though Reaper was absolutely beaming at him. He leads him in, joining Deccy and Fresh on the couch to watch the show, cuddling up to Reaper's side under a blanket.

A couple of hours later, Error and Ink came down, joining the others in the living room. The six of them start to watch Christmas movies together, Geno and Reaper cuddling on the couch. Ink and Error on the side chair, while Fresh and Deccy were on the floor with their own blankets.

While in the middle of Nightmare before Christmas Reaper suddenly gets up and excuses himself. Geno raises an eyebrow, Nightmare before Christmas is Reaper's favorite movie, so he quickly gets up after him.

Reaper looks behind him to make sure no one is following him before he knocks on CQ's door gently. She opens the door and looks at the skeleton boy questionably. "Is everything okay Reaper?"

"Yeah uhm.. Can I talk to you in private for a moment?" He asks softly, rocking back and forth on his feet as he waits for her response.

"Sure, come in." She opens her door to him, watching as he enters then looks up to see Geno peeking out behind the wall. She sighs before closing the door gently.

Geno frowns heavily, going to CQ's door and putting his head up to it to try and listen in. Though the both of them are speaking too quietly to hear properly. He sighs, trudging back to the living room and flopping onto the couch before cuddling into the blanket. Fresh's glasses go blank, Deccy watches as he gets up and leaves the room for a moment, quickly coming back with Geno's red scarf in hand. Geno gives Fresh a small smile as he happily accepts the scarf, putting it on like he did when he was little.

Fresh sits next to Deccy, question marks coming to his face when he feels Deccy cuddle up to his side. He shrugs, wrapping his arm around Deccy, pulling him close to keep him warm, the five of them continuing the movie

"Is everything okay?" CQ asks, sitting on the edge of her bed and motioning Reaper to do the same.

She watches as he fidgets with his hands before speaking "Well... I want to ask you for your permission." He says softly, staring at his lap. "I understand if you say no and will respect your decision, whatever it may be."

"Reaper.." She sighs, resting a hand on Reaper's shoulder gently. "Is this about Geno?"

He nods gently, "I... I know we're only in high school. I get if you think we're too young... But I want to marry Geno, I really do. He's just, so perfect, he's helped me through so much and I... I want to give the same back to him, I want to be able to be there for him forever. I really, truly, love him."

CQ sighs, she understands what Reaper wants to do and why he wants to do it but.. "I.. I'll give you my permission. But I want you to graduate first. I know how happy you make him and how much you've helped during the hospital's scares. In any other situation I probably wouldn't be saying yes." She chuckles softly, giving Reaper a gentle hug. "Take care of my baby for me, okay?"

Reaper smiles softly, hugging her back tightly. "Yes ma'am. I won't let anything happen to him. Thank you so much." The two hug for a moment longer before pulling away.

Reaper gets up, giving one final thank you to CQ before going back downstairs to continue the movie. He wraps his arm around Geno's waist, pulling him close to cuddle. He frowns softly when he sees him wearing his red comfort scarf, he's been doing so well too, not having had to wear it for a few days, or at the very least, when he's around. He leans down and whispers softly to him. "I love you, Geno.."

"I love you too." He whispers back, snuggling into his side with a soft smile.

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