Chapter 2

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Fresh and Deccy take their usual walk together, both of them thinking about the experiment they will be doing once they arrive home. Fresh frowns a bit at the thought of experimenting on Deccy but he knows he has too to help save him. They found something peculiar in last week's test that they have some theories on. This may help them make a new breakthrough.

As the two enter the house Fresh goes up to his room to get the experiment set up while Deccy goes to the kitchen to make them a snack. This has been the routine since school started.

As Deccy prepares some PB&J sandwiches for the two of them, Geno also walks into the kitchen. "Good afternoon, Geno." He smiles softly at him.

"Good afternoon Deccy, are you guys doing another experiment today?" He asks as he looks in the fridge for something to eat.

"Mhm, is Reaper coming over soon?" He asks, a small smirk coming to his face as he sees Geno grab some pineapple to eat.

Geno flushes softly, shaking his head at the younger kid. "Shut up.... He is." Deccy chuckles softly at his correct conclusion. He sighs softly, he hopes he could eat pineapple for someone one day.

"Is something on your mind?" Geno asks softly, crossing the kitchen to lean against the counter as he eats the pineapple.

"Well..." Deccy thinks about his words carefully before speaking. He takes a deep breath, gently cutting the sandwiches. "When did you... How did you know you liked Reaper romantically?"

It takes Geno a moment to process what he said, a wide grin spreading across his face as he sees Deccy's face flush a soft blue. "Do you maybe, like someone?"

"Well I mean.. I'm not sure. It's hard to tell if I like them romantically or if I just admire them a lot." He mumbles, playing with his sleeve a bit as he finishes the sandwiches.

"Do I know this person?" Geno asks, setting his fork and pineapple down gently. Deccy hesitates before nodding slowly.

"Is it okay for me to ask who it is?" Deccy quickly shakes his head at the question, there is no way he's going to admit to Geno who he likes.

"It's okay, I understand." Geno gives him a gentle smile, placing a hand on his shoulder gently. "Let me ask this then, do you want to do couple stuff with them? Like holding their hand or maybe wanting to kiss them?"

Deccy takes a moment before nodding, glancing at Geno for a moment before looking back down at the sandwiches. "I.. I think I do. I imagine doing a lot of things with them. But..." Geno frowns gently at the but. "I know they would do stuff like that for me. But they wouldn't feel the same as I would if they did such things."

"Well, It sounds like you like them romantically but they don't feel the same... Have you ever tried telling them your feelings?"

Deccy shakes his head. "No, it's... We don't really talk about romance together so..."

"I see..Well maybe try bringing it up. Who knows, you might get lucky." Geno says softly, patting the smaller boy's head gently. Good luck with that, I'm here to talk if you need."

"Thanks Geno. I'll tell you if anything happens with them." Deccy smiles at him, taking the plate before heading upstairs. He knocks on the door gently, after hearing a "come in" he goes in.

"Food is ready." Deccy grins as he sits down next to Fresh.

"Thanks Deccy Dec, you're da best!" Fresh says with a wide grin, taking one of the sandwiches happily.

"Of course, what exactly are we testing today?" He asks, taking a bit of his own sandwich happily. His stomach was hungry.

"The limitations of ya totally rad teleportation magic. Jus' gonna have ya' teleport back n forth an' see how much ya magic drains." Fresh says, quickly finishing up his food. He practically inhaled his food. Deccy takes off his shirt with a small blush. He finishes his sandwich as Fresh hooks up some trackers to his body and soul.

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