3: Gerard

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Crap. The ink in this pen is running out. I steal a better one from the girl across from me when she isn't looking. She starts having trouble when she turns around. I regret nothing. My art is way more important than hers. I'm not being self-centered, I'm simply being truthful and we all know it.

Art class is the only place I feel accepted in this hell-hole of a school. I've never been the brightest, and I've never been athletic. At all. I like D&D, Audrey Hepburn, fangoria, Harry Houdini, and croquet. Sometimes, I think I'll never belong anywhere. Of course there are some cool kids I befriended over the internet that get me, but that's about it. This is real life, not a server, to my dismay.

Frank shuffles over to my seat, artwork firmly grasped in both of his hands. His stance was that of a potential robot's: feet parallel, staring forward, arms outstretched. I gingerly accept the paper. On it is a uniquely interpreted self portrait of him. His hair is grown out a bit, a portion of it silvery. Frank's eyes. Have X's over them, and are circled by what looks like a red face paint of sorts.

As I analyze the piece, the shy boy stands awkwardly in front of me, staring down at his Toms. I look up from the page, smiling at Frank. "Amazing," I say. That's all he needs. He raises his head, and his eyes glitter as he returns the action, which just makes me smile harder. I hand it back to him, and he blinks a couple of times.

The entire room dims as clouds shroud the sun overhead. It had been so nice out just an hour or so ago, but our "special" weather will not have that. Apparently,it's supposed to rain today. Ugh. Ugh, ugh, ugh. At least I have Frank for the rest of the hour.

We exchange nods and I continue my portrait. I have an elaborate art style, and it shows here. It's sort of like, something out of the comics. It's a lot of work, but the finished product is pretty majestic, if I do say so myself.

My hands are getting a bit cramped and the period is pretty close to done. We have a sub today; her name is Mrs. Fuentes, and she's very cool. Our class seems to have her often, which is nice. I ask to go to the restroom, and she's happy to let me leave (I'm her fave, of course).

I shove my earbuds into my head and stride down the main hall. After half my song has passed, I reach the bathrooms. I pause the audio and hear silence around me as I stare down the doors.

My face reddens, I can feel it, as I observe the squeaking of shoes across the building. I swallow, hard. My feet edge me closer to the bathrooms, and I glance at both. I look down at myself.

I'm a boy. That's just how I was built. I have a flat chest, I'm fairly thin, and . . . ya know. All that stuff makes me a boy, right?

I think so. I've always wondered what it would be like to. . . . I dunno. Maybe it's a silly thought, er, feeling. I've never fit in with guys. Maybe that's why I sometimes wish I weren't one. I'm not sure. Being a boy just never felt . . . right . . . for me.

Despite all that, I walk right into the boys' bathroom. I open the door with much force, and it smashes into Gaskarth. Immediately, he looks pissed.

"The fuck are you doing here, bitch?" Alex snaps. Ouch. I ignore him, mutter a quick, 'sorry,' and lock myself in a stall. He huffs away, so I can hear, and I exhale a quick sigh of relief. I hate that kid. A lot.

I choose to stay in that stall until the final bell rings, which doesn't take very long. The potential storm outside was probably freaking Frank out, but I just wanted to chill in there. Now that I think about it, I probably should have checked on him earlier, and it was pretty selfish of me not to.

Hoping he'll be waiting at my locker, which occasionally happens, I run back there, panting when I finally arrive. There's Frank, walking straight towards me. His small body gradually picks up speed the closer we get to each other. The young man slowly grins, exposing his perfect teeth. I greet him with a smile and a subtle nod, quickly grab my stuff, then slam the locker door with a 'crunch,' and set off to the front of the building with him.

Though I, myself, have decided that I am a truly astounding actor, it's fairly difficult to hide my pure excitement as Frank is forced closer to me by some dimwitted people resembling walls. They're like bobbers, the way their heads dance atop our own, being pulled in specific directions. The rest of us kids are maneuvering like fish in the lake of life, flocking together, swimming underneath the surface.

But I only lock my beady eyes on one. One little fish, a very little fish, might I add; the one that lured me in. He was swimming right beside me.

Frank's skinny arm clings to one of my own, and I pull him through the swaying crowd. He isn't a fan of others making any sort of contact with him (even being in the center of a large group makes him nervous). Feeling it my job, I try to usher him out as quickly as I can, and though he never says it, I know he's grateful. The beads of light in his eyes express it. The way they always shine . . . God, am I getting off track!

The air seems a little thicker as we step out of the madness, and my small man friend seems much more alive, in a sense. Frank audibly sighs, with contentment, I'm sure, and I can't help but smile. I'm all smiles around this guy, and I could say the same about him.

No matter how much I hate this place, I know I have to stay. It's my job to care for Frank, and he keeps me in line, keeps me in check. We need each other more than we'd like to admit, so although I would much rather ditch than be anywhere near these people, I don't. Maybe it's for the best that the both of us stick around despite everything occurring around us. Who knows what we'd do without each other?

The sun warms my pale face as Frank and I amble the school grounds. I kinda want to walk him home, but I'm afraid to ask. Lord knows what he'd say.

Frank looks up at me, eyes shimmering, and it gives me the needed boost of courage.

"Hey, should I . . . walk home with you?" My heart hammers with anticipation as I await his response. He appears to be pondering it, squinting his glazed eyes and slowing his steps. Finally, he looks back up and nods sharply, practically blasting my vital organs across the goddamn country. I suppress a nervous smile and continue moving with the short boy by my side. There's no place I'd rather be.

Heyo! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Hopefully someone will get to this point in the story. The next chapter is going to be a dark one, I'm warning you. Anyways, just . . . THANK YOU! <3

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