If It Takes Fighting in Your War For Us To Get Closer

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A/N : POV : Johnny's watching you from afar. Comment your own !


TW WARNING ! Yelling, abuse

Ponyboy and you were walking back to his house after going to the library. He wanted to look up a book and you decided to go with him. It was dangerous for greasers to be alone, anyway. He held a book he hadn't planned on getting and you were flipping through a magazine on Audrey Hepbrun. As you passed Johnny Cade's house, you could hear yelling.

Ponyboy tensed and quickened his pace. You peered at your friend's house and listened closely.

"You're a horrible child! You're so selfish, you're ruining my life!" It was a female's voice and you recognized it. Johnny's mother. "I did not raise you this way!" She began to swear and you could hear the sounds of things being thrown. You frowned and glared at the house.

"Don't do it, Y/N," Pony murmured. He grabbed your wrist. "You can't save him." You thought that he was wrong. He wouldn't know. He's never tried, right? You pulled your arm away from him and shoved your magazine into his hands, storming to the front door.

You slammed your fist against the wood, its paint peeling off. The yelling stopped and the door opened. Mrs. Cade was standing before you, angrily. "What do ya want?" You didn't answer. You pushed past her, straight to Johnny, who had a black eye. His eyes were wide. You grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the house, not stopping until you were back on the street, where Ponyboy was, dumbfounded.

You let go of Johnny's hand and turned to him, examining his face. He was blushing. You put your hand on his cheek, lightly brushing your thumb over his bruise. "I swear I'll kill her," you whispered. He didn't say anything. He just pulled you in and hugged you.

"I- Th-thank you . . ." he muttered, his breath hitting your neck. You shivered.

"I won't l-let her hurt you," you replied, squeezing him tightly. "I won't l-let anyone h-hurt you ever ag-gain." Boy, were you wrong.

A/N : This one's all me. I love him too much to let Mrs. Cade live. But unlike Johnny, I'm not a murderer. (I'm sorry)

-Stay Gold

Burning in Broken, Golden Love (Johnny Cade x Reader / Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now