Chapter 12: An Incorrect Assumption

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Y'all asked for it 😍 (also sorry this took so long I had to rewrite it all. Writing's not that easy, but grammarly-) 

Russia mumbled as he woke up. His arms felt sore when he stretched them, probably from having them held tightly around something all night. Hold on. He was holding on tightly to something all night? What was he holding on to? He felt something pressed against him- no, not something, someone. He looked down and saw black hair. Was it Germany? When he took a closer look, he realized it wasn't Germany. Whoever it was, this couldn't be good- unless it really was Germany, then he'd be the luckiest man alive. He didn't want to move them because he didn't want to wake them up, but then he heard a groan. Once he had heard some noise, it struck him that he had a horrible headache. He moved an arm up to his head and the person who he had been hugging looked up. It was... China?

"Oh, you're awake," China said softly.

"Uh... yeah..." Russia questioned whether he was actually awake, if this was actually happening.

"Sorry, you probably don't remember anything..." China whispered. Russia had a mini heart-attack. Did he embarrass himself? Even worse, did they do something?

"No, no, no..." Russia mumbled, shaking his head slightly. His head started to hurt even more when he did that, and he winced in pain.

"Oh no we didn't do anything like that!" China explained, his face getting even redder than it already was. Russia let out a sigh of relief. "You drank 10 bottles of vodka. You didn't pass out, but you seemed pretty out of it." China was always one to leave out details, especially ones like what happened.

"Did I embarrass myself?" Russia asked. China felt he had to tell Russia, he couldn't keep this from him.

"Well, uhm, no... but you uhm... you- you kissed me," China explained to the best of his ability. He tried to leave out as many details as he could.

"Oh my god..." Russia mumbled. "I'm sorry... it didn't mean anything," China could barely hear him. Russia realized he still had an arm around China, and he let go.

"No worries. I'm just happy to comfort you," China said. He didn't sound the least bit sad. "I'll make food."

"Do you even have food?" Russia joked.

"Of course I do," China giggled. When he stood up and saw that Russia was still laying down, he asked; "Are you coming?"

"I think I'll just stay here... I feel like a truck rammed into my head..." Russia said.

"What'd I expect... alright, I'll bring breakfast when it's done," China smiled. He loved doing things for his friend, especially if his friend didn't feel good.

After a few minutes he returned with a tray with pancakes lightly drizzled with maple syrup and strawberries in a bowl on the side. He set the tray on the bed and went to get something. He brought back some green tea.

"It might help with your headache," China explained.

"Thanks, Chu," Russia said. He sat up straight, being careful not to hit his head. China put a pillow behind Russia's head where he sat. He kissed Russia on the cheek and left the guest bedroom, closing the door behind him. As Russia ate his food, he thought about life. What had gotten him to this point. Is this bad? Or is it good because he knows he has friends who take care of him? Eventually his thoughts drifted over to Germany. He thought about what it would be like to be with him. Germany was a very kind person, so he'd probably do anything that Russia asked of him. That could be a nice part of being with Germany. But then again, why would such an angel like him love a monster like Russia? Russia was the antagonist, the bad guy. Germany always tried to side with the good guy. He sighed lightly and then drifted back into his other thoughts.

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