Chapter 11: BRICS

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Sorry this is overdue, I got major writers block halfway through writing this 👺 and I waited to post at an optimal time for my wonderful German readers~ This also is a little longer sorry lol {also IOS added new emojis whaaaa? like seriously when did they do that} Edit from after I finished: I'M SORRY WHAT THIS IS ACTUALLY SUPER LONG??!? DID NOT ANTICIPATE THAT UHHHH TOTALLY NOT 3,422 WORDS SORRY LOL... btw this is actually long bc I'm NOT doing pt. 2's of chapters cuz I'm gigachad, only cliffhangers here.

"...what?" Germany managed to say after a few moments- which truly felt like minutes- of silence.

"Ger, I've said it so many times before..." Russia sighed.

"I-I never noticed... when I did I just thought you were joking, I suppose I couldn't wrap my head around anybody truly loving me besides Soviet, and definitely not in that way..."

"It's okay. I really wish I would have asked you in a more formal setting, maybe at a beach or in a restaurant. I just couldn't wait any longer. I've felt like this since we were kids, and I've always wanted to say it, I just never found the time," Russia mumbled.

"Give me some time to think about it, okay? And while I do I think it's best that you go stay at your house..." Germany suggested.

"Alright," Russia sighed, tears welling up in his eyes. He hoped Germany wouldn't notice, Russia was supposed to be the strong one. He realized that Germany did notice when he felt a hand on his. Germany pulled Russia's hand to his own chest and hugged it as if it were actually Russia.

"I'm sorry, I just have to wrap my head around some things," Germany explained.

"I understand..." Russia mumbled, pulling his hand away. He understood that Germany had a choice, that he had other options, that he couldn't be so sure that Russia was right for him. But why had Russia spent so much time loving Germany if that was truly what was not meant for him? Why couldn't the world ever give Russia what he wanted? Why was it so unfair?

After asking himself all these questions while he drove, pitying himself instead of actually doing something, he realized something. You have to take what you want, you can't just have it given to you. So that's exactly what Russia would do, whether the others liked it or not. He would take what he wanted, and he knew exactly what that was.

They arrived at Germany's house and Russia got out of the car and opened the door for Germany.

"Thanks, Rus," Germany smiled.

"No problem," Russia said, and he grabbed Germany into a hug. Germany found the height difference- and general size difference- quite uncomfortable, but he didn't say anything. Russia was slouched over uncomfortably. Poland was a much more complementary height to his own, Germany realized. 

Russia's hugs were long, Germany remembered secretly timing them every time they hugged. The longest they'd ever had to Germany's knowledge was a minute and thirty-three seconds, but this one was surely even longer than that. When they finally pulled apart, Germany stopped his stopwatch- three minutes and fifty-six seconds. That would set a record.

"Bye, Ger," Russia smiled. This smile wasn't like Russia's normal smiles. This one was soft and warm, it almost felt real. It made Germany's heart tingle, and he smiled too.

"Auf wiedersehen."


America decided he would have to make amends with Germany. He had one of those YouTuber apologies all written out and scripted, he'd been practicing it for a while now. Or, at least ever since he got confronted. He got in his car and drove to Germany's house.

When he arrived at the end of the street Germany lived on, he saw Russia and Germany hugging. What was that traitorous, greedy Ruski doing there? After a while Russia finally left and America pulled into Germany's driveway, flipping off Russia as they drove by each other. Russia didn't seem to notice.

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