Chapter 05

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"I even know how you blink jungkook.. I know how you breath..."

Both startled when they heard the humming sound behind the door, those footsteps heard more closer to the door.

Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's jacket, pulling him into the room, then he pushed him towards the cabinet. His shivering palm hurried onto Jungkook's mask.

"Shh.. wait here"

jungkook saw how fast Taehyung jumped onto the bed, curling into the duvet like he was there for a long time.

Then a few silent minutes passed. Jungkook held his breaths, leaning against the wall behind the cabinet. Those big eyes rolled towards the opened door.

"Taehyungnaa.. are you awake?"

Jungkook felt how his rough heart melt into those words. Tears welled up in the corner of his eyes.

"Ah suga hyung.."

Taehyung acted like he was in a deep sleep.

"Oh tae, I thought you were awake. I heard sounds" 

Taehyung rubbed his eyes, looking over his shoulder.

"Ah hyung I was sleeping"

Yoongi nodded, his gummy smile never left his pale face.

"I'm about to make some night snacks. You're in?"

Taehyung waved his hand saying no.

"No, I'm good hyung. I'm going to sleep again"

Yoongi pressed his lips into a thin line, slowly closing the door behind him.

"Okay sleep well tae"

jungkook let out his breaths he had been holding for a while. Then those teary eyes landed on the man who was staring at nowhere but only at him.

Jungkook pressed himself against the wall, those eyes were tightly closed. Jungkook saw that video playing through his closed eyes, he saw each and every second of it over and over again.

Chest moved up and down fast, fist tightening behind him making his wounds bleed over again.

Jungkook shaked his head, pulling his hair out like he no longer wanted them there. He wanted to erase those shadows from his mind, he wanted to throw all those pictures away from him.

The assassin sucked in a breath when he felt the soft touch on his arm. His eyes utterly opened to match with those pearl like eyes.

"Kook, you're hurt"

jungkook didn't react at all, he stayed. Stayed still sinking in those worried eyes. It has been a long time, a very long time since someone had worried about him.

This ethereal person in front of him was the first and last one who worried about him. Jungkook wanted to feel more. He was so greedy, yet he was not supposed to be so.

"Let me treat you"

Taehyung was about to leave when Jungkook tightly pulled him closer, turning him against the wall. Those bloodshed eyes sharpened all into the idol.

"What the fuck are you doing kim Taehyung?"

He tightened his palm around Taehyung's arm, shaking him roughly.

"Treating me?"

Taehyung watched how his smirk mocking him.

"I'm here to kill you mr. Kim. I'm here to fucking kill you!!"

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