Jae's Advice

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"What's going on?" Zadi asks when they are alone.

"Don't you think that was weird that Brax suggested Jae go back knowing that it could cause them to relapse?"

"I may be on probation but I definitely saw that too, should we tell the pack?"

"No, not yet," Mischa says.

"Then what do we do?"

"We need to keep an eye on him, but no matter what we don't tell the pack especially not Jessa."

"I'm a light sleeper if that helps."

"That does actually, you can watch Brax and Jae if they get up in the middle of the night, if they go out of the apartment without another member of the pack you can record it," Mischa says.

"We better get back to the apartment though, check on Jae," Zadi says.

Mischa turns and looks at the museum.


"Yeah, coming," Mischa says turning back and walking next to Zadi.

"What's wrong?" Zadi asks.

"It just feels like something big is going to happen," Mischa says.

"What do you mean by big?"

"I'm not sure, but we have to keep our guard up."

"Right," Zadi agrees.

They go back to the apartment.

"What took you guys so long?" Terra asks as they walk in.

"Zadi asked me if I would show her the park," Mischa says.

"Another episode," Brax says as the FRIENDS theme song starts playing.

"I've seen this one a million times, I'm going to my room," Mischa says.

"Okay Sis," Jessa says.

Mischa goes back to the room and calls Dante.

"Hey Mischa," Dante answers.

"Hey Dante, so I called to update you on the search for Elda, we have talked to the police and all the supernaturals are on alert," Mischa says.

"So, you haven't found her yet?"

"Not yet, but we will."

"It's getting late, keep me updated."

"We will," Mischa says before hanging up.

Mischa stays in her room and looks out the window. There is a knock on the door.

"Come in," Mischa says.

"Hey, you okay?" Jae asks coming in.

"Yeah, just missing old life."

"What's really going on?" Jae presses.

"I've never been in charge of something, I mean something this big. I've never been asked to hunt someone down, I'm just afraid of what will happen when we find Elda or worse, she finds out what happened when we were fighting the Dragon King."

"What did happen? You never told us."

"The Dragon King killed Kristov."


"Kristov raised the Dragon King and after saying he was at the Dragon King's service the Dragon King threw him into the lava."

"So, you're thinking that Elda will blame you and Jess if she finds out."

"Exactly," Mischa says turning around.

"Don't worry about it, you shouldn't let the 'what ifs' cloud your mind, go for a run if you need to," Jae says.

"But what about you? I am in charge of all of you," Mischa says.

"Don't worry about me, the pack has it covered," Jae says.

"You're right, thanks Jae, I think I'm just going to sit here and figure out a plan to find Elda," Mischa says after a deep breath.

"Good idea," Jae says before leaving.

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