A New Member and New York

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The pack and Dante walk to see Borghild.

"Mischa!" a female voice calls.

"Zadi? What do you want?" Jessa asks.

"I want to go with you guys," Zadi replies.

"Um, why?" Mischa asks.

"Hear her out," Jae says.

"Look, I know I haven't been the best classmate, and our families kinda butt heads, but I really do care about the humans. Nobody should be enslaved, or killed, or whatever Elda wants to do to those without powers."

"Why should we even trust you?"

"I have known Elda since we were kids, I know how she works. I can help. My mom talked to the World Council and they agreed."

"That could be helpful," Max says.

Mischa and Jessa look at each other.

"Fine, on probation only," Jessa gets close to Zadi.

Mischa knocks on the door to the headmistress's office.

"Come in," a female voice allows.

Mischa opens the door, the pack, Dante, and Zadi walk in.

"The Dragon-Mark twins and their pack, I'm assuming you have come to talk about the classes you'll be missing since you will be finding Elda," the headmistress says.

"Um yes, also the World Council agreed that Zadi can come with us to find her," Mischa says.

"I will let your teachers know, and I'm sure Mr. McQuarrie will enjoy the fact that you will be in the human world," she responds.

"What about me?"

"The council agreed that Dante can use wifi and cell service so we can keep in contact with them through him."

"I understand, I will let his teachers know, you seven better pack and good luck," the headmistress says.

The group leaves the office.

Mischa enters her room and starts packing, a few minutes later her phone rings.

"Hali, what did your mom say?"

"She said it's okay, just until you guys find a place to live."

"Sweet, thanks, I better finish packing. Meet us at Time Square."

"See you soon," Hali says.

"See you soon," Mischa replies before hanging up.

"You ready? Everyone is waiting," Jessa says.

"Yep, I just talked to Hali and her mom said it was okay, just until we find a place of our own."

"Good, we better get going though," Jessa says.

The twins meet their group in the quad and they all walk into the hub.

"Are you sure Zadi and I will be able to go through the human door?" Terra asks.

"I'm sure, the council agreed for you guys to come with so there shouldn't be a problem," Mischa says as the elevator arrives in the middle of the hub.

"Well, let's go," Jessa says.

They all walk through the door that Terra created from Mischa's drawing to get to New York when they were on the run.

They arrive in Time Square where Hali is waiting for them along with the Faeries that live in the Big Apple.

"Why are there seven of you?" Hali asks.

"This is Zadi, she is a lion-shifter, she followed Elda and offered to help us track her down," Mischa says.

"She is on probation," Jessa adds.

"Well I told my mom there were six of you and I don't think we could house one more."

"Jae can stay with us," the Elder Faerie says.

"Thank you," Jae responds.

"I better call Dante have him tell the council that we are getting phones for you guys," Mischa takes her phone out.

"Hey Mischa, are you guys okay?" Dante answers.

"Yeah, but let the council know that we are getting phones for the rest of the pack and Zadi," Mischa responds.

"Got it, good luck," Dante responds.

"This is amazing, nothing like what we study in McQuarrie's class," Zadi says looking at all the sights around her.

"McQuarrie teaches us about things from 100s of years ago not present day," Mischa says.

"What should we do first?" Terra asks also stunned by the sights.

"First we should go to Hali's and drop our stuff off," Mischa says.

"Right," Terra and Zadi say following Hali and the pack.

"Guys there are a few rules now that we are in the human world," Mischa says as they ride a subway.

"Like?" Zadi says.

"Well, humans don't know that shifters, witches, vampires, or faeries are real. Nobody except Hali, so unless needed we can't use our powers in the day time or at least in public, especially you Zadi, humans are only used to see lions in a zoo," Mischa explains.

"The human world is very different than the supernatural world," Zadi says.

"But there is one thing that is the same," Mischa says.

"What's that?" Terra asks.

"They both have assholes so we have to be careful when we transform, we can get angry but it isn't fair to use our powers when humans don't have any."

They all nod in agreement.

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