Arsonists Lullaby

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Hello lovelies! This is chapter one of my aftg (I can't do this alone) series. This story will have a lot of unsettling topics occur but if you've read the canon story you'll know what's coming.
I will put a warning of the content in each chapter and signify when they occur with *** before it occurs. And —— to signify after.
Please please please skip the chapter if you aren't comfortable reading about these topics.
At the end of each chapter I can put a summary of what occurred in simplified and non triggering context for those who need it.
Hope you enjoy this fic!!!

Content warning!!!!🛑
This chapter contains
Graphic violence
Mentions of past/current abuse

Chapter 1-
(Neil POV)

I've been running for so long.

Every memory I've ever had...
I've been running.
Whether it was me and my mom physically running from our deranged home life. Or trying to escape my own blood stained memories—
Roaming country to country in hopes to have some taste of safety.
But nothing had ever been safe.
It's always been this way.

All of that changed when I met him.

Andrew Minyard could be describe with a lot of words.
Psychotic-manic-aggressive-borderline monster
But to me, he changed my life. He gave me something no one else has ever offered.
A place to call home.
I would do anything to keep him safe.
I may be a liar, but I would never break a promise.
Especially to him.
The last time I saw Andrew he was leaving for East Haven hospital.

I made him a promise.

I told him I'd be here.
I'd be waiting.
I wouldn't run.
I'd keep Kevin safe.

Three of those statements were true.

I'm still waiting.

I'm keeping Kevin safe.

I didn't run.

I'm just not at palmetto.

After Andrew left for East Haven. I was approached by Riko Moriyama.
The Raven King
He told me I had 1 option. To spend Christmas break over in the nest.
Of course I resisted. Until he told me what would happen to Andrew if I didn't. (Read The Raven King if curious)

It's been 2 weeks and I'm still at Ravens nest.
Time feels different here.
Days are longer. Almost endless.
I don't care how painful it is. I don't care how close my mind is to cracking.

I would do anything for him.

I came out of my daze as I heard the door creak open.
Gazing upward from my slump beside the bed, it was Jean.
My fear resided slightly. It wasn't Riko. It was Jean Moroue.
I took a breath of relief.
Jean wasn't the best person who could've walked through that door. With everything in me I wished it would be Andrew or Wymack. Or any of the foxes. I'd even take Kevin.
But I knew that was just a dream and I'd just have to hold out a little longer.
"Get up Neil". Jean announced.
Jean was the only one here that called me Neil, unless Riko was around. But I understood.
My glossy eyes only stared back at him.
"I'm not gonna ask again, we've got practice." He said with a little more aggressiveness.
I mustered up everything in me to rise.
My bones were screaming.
Feeling like my body would tear apart if I moved even one more inch.
Jean wasn't appreciative of my slowness, so with a fluid motion he ripped me up.
"Little fox, this is just the beginning. Pull it together." Jean whispered in my ear.
I have no response.
I knew this was the beginning.
I knew this was just a taste of Riko's pain.
All I could do was comply at my own pace.
Practice was the same as every other day.
Getting slammed into walls.
Getting smacked with rackets.
Kicked to the floor and ripped back up within seconds.
I could handle this.
As long as Kevin and Andrew were safe.
Weeks went by with the same schedule.
Wake up. Practice. Workout. Eat. Scrimmage. Then Rikos nightly abusive activities.
Some nights were physical with him carving my skin away layer by layer, and some nights were mental as he would blast into my brain how worthless I am and how he is my King.
Whether it was physical or mental. Riko was trying to break me.
But I would never bend for the satisfaction of him.
Keeping my sanity was one way of shoving it in Rikos face that he's worthless and will never be my King.
I only had 1 more week of this,
I could do this.

First chapter done!
Quick summary.
Neil is at the Ravens nest for Christmas break. He is there to keep his promises of protecting Andrew and Kevin.
His days are endless with practices, scrimmages, and training non stop.
He undergoes abuse from Riko but is still mentally superior.
The timing differs from canon as Riko keeps Neil for 2 more weeks than canon.

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