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I entered my house and started thinking about Mason's offer. As ridiculous as it sounded, I found it interesting and wanted to try it out. Although I knew there wouldn't be backing out after I accept to do it. I'll give myself two or three days to think about it.

I don't understand what the point was of us two fooling everyone about dating and doing couple stuff, but I guess it couldn't end up badly. Plus, I'll get to see him leave heartbroken if he loses, which he definitely will since I won't fall in love no matter what. His presence irritates me.

I did all my homework and studied since I had nothing better to do and wanted to be done with everything for today. I changed into some comfortable clothes which I usually didn't wear to school and thought about taking a nap. But the thought was cut off by my phone ringing from the kitchen.

I lifelessly walked downstairs and answered the phone from the unknown caller, hoping it wasn't someone trying to mess with me or sell me something I didn't want nor need.

"Hello?" the voice on the other line said

"Hey, uhm who is this?" I said

"Hey Olivia, it's Robin. I was wondering if you could come and tutor me right now with Mason. He said he was free right now, so I assumed..." the person who was now clearly Robin said

"Oh yeah, for sure. I have nothing better to do anyway. I can come over in about 10 minutes or so," I said

"That would be perfect, Mason is on his way as well. You can bring your notebook and pencil case or whatever you need really. I'll see you soon!" he said

"See you..." I said as I clicked the red button to end the call

I got my things and put them into a lighter bag I had in my room, slipped on my shoes and went outside. Fortunately, I remembered his address and knew where that was since my old friend used to live somewhere around that location before she moved away.

I searched for the house and finally found it; it was decent looking is all I can say. Nothing special nor bad. I knocked on the door as Robin opened it, motioning to come inside with his hands. I observed his house, it had plain white wallpaper and low ceilings. I spotted Mason coming down from upstairs with a bag of hot Cheetos and putting a smile on his face when he saw me.

"Hey Liv," he said, extending my name, "You look...different,"

"That's not a pleasant thing to say to someone," I said, pursuing my lips together as Robin laughed at my response

"I didn't want to sound harsh! I'm just saying you don't wear that kind of stuff in school," he said, "But enough of that,"

"Wait, so you observe my outfits in school?" I raised an eyebrow

"No! You just sit next to me, so I have nothing but to see what you're wearing," he defended

"Sure, keep telling yourself that," I suspiciously said

"So... have you thought about it?" he added

"Mase, you're going to have to give me more time with that stupid offer of yours," I said

"Guys I don't need you flirting right now, it's going to throw me off of studying," Robin said, getting his books out and sitting at the table we were going to be studying

"We're not flirting, I don't see a reason we would be," I said

"The whole school is talking about you two already," Robin said, "Now, let's concentrate on Math!"

"You're right," I said

"But... I must ask this out of curiosity. Are the rumours about you two making out and being late to class true?" Robin asked

Fake dating, Mason ThamesWhere stories live. Discover now