Chapter 10

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Once they arrive, Sebastian waves them over and they sit across from him.

"Not going to lie but I didn't think you'd show." He starts.

"We just want to find away to get Musa and Beatrix's magic back." Bloom replies changing the subject.

"Straight to the point I see." He says eyeing Lizzie who just glares at him.

The blood witch sins down in his seat slightly, scared of the girl.

"I'll make you girls a deal. You give me something I want and I'll give you answers." He tries.

The two fairies share a look and nod. Lizzie pulls out the book and places it on the table. Sebastian goes for it but Lizzie uses her magic to shield it.

"Information first then the book." Bloom says. Sebastian shakes his head.

They spend the next few minutes arguing while Lizzie gets bored.

"Ok here's what's going to happen. We give you the book and you give us answers. If you try to run, I'll snap your neck. Understand?"

Sebastian gulps but nods as does Bloom.
Lizzie slides the book over to him and he picks it up inspecting it.

"You have your book now give us answers." Bloom demands her eyes flickering orange.

The man raises his hands in surrender. "First this book was my father's so thank you for giving it back. Second I'm from Aster Dell when the war happened I fled along with a few others. Many of our people died." He explained.

Lizzie glared at the man. "So you were responsible for kidnapping my mother?" She asks as her eyes flickered blue.

"Not personally no. That was my father. He wanted you but you weren't there so he got you mum. He also found Bloom." He answers.

They question him more and learn that he was being truthful. His father didn't take Bloom from her parents they found her.

"Ok now how do we get their magic back?" Bloom asks.

"Well I could tell you that.... or I could could you about your parents." He taunts.

"No. We came here to get our sisters magic back and that's what we're gonna do." The fire fairy reiterates.

The blood witches sighs. "There are two ways to get their magic back. Either you convince me to give it back or... or you kill me."

"So if I kill you now my sisters get their magic back?" Lizzie asks in faux confusion.

Sebastian realises he made a mistake and the girl could easily kill him but doesn't show it.

"Exactly. But you wouldn't kill me here would you? In front of so many people." He taunts.

Bloom stands up and grabs Lizzies hand dragging her out the back door. "That's it we're done here." She says.

Sebastian follows them out the back. "Wait. There's something else I'll give you for free." And with that both girls stop.

"Did you ever wonder what happened happened Miss Dowling?" He asks the girls.

"They said she ran." Bloom replies.

Sebastian shakes his head. "Wrong. She died. Rosalind killed her."

"Sounds likely." Lizzie scoffs. She could have guessed that was what happened. Her Aunt Farrah wouldn't just leave, that wasn't who she was.

"What makes you so sure?" Bloom shoots back.

"Ask her yourself, she'll tell you." And with that Sebastian turns and walks away.

The girls headed back in silence, hand in hand. Bloom was angry at Rosalind for killing the woman, while Lizzie was grieving the loss of her aunt.

The chaos fairy knew she was more than likely dead but she hoped that she ran.

When they reached the graveyard, Rosalind was stood waiting for them.

"Did you have a nice trip?" She asked.

The two teenagers glared at the woman. Rosalind was scared. Actually she was terrified but she didn't let it show.

"Our little blood witch friend told us you killed my aunt. So I guess what I'm asking is... did you? Kill my aunt?" Lizzie asked her voice dangerously quiet.

Rosalind laughed, turning around and glanced at the girls. "Yes. I did."

"Why?" Lizzie enquired.

"Because Elizabeth, Farrah wouldn't step down. I gave her the chance to run and she didn't take it. She was in my way. Just like your father was. Why do you think I got him arrested?" The woman taunted.

Now that was a very bad idea. It's like this woman wanted to die.

Bloom was enraged. She shot fire at the older woman who blocked it. Next, she used her magic to raise Lizzie in the air, just like she did before she killed Farrah.

Walking to Bloom, she shot the girl down with the wind and placed her hand on her cheek, slowly freezing the girl as Lizzie screamed for her to stop.

She didn't.

Eventually, Lizzie broke free and flung the woman into a rock. Her body made a thump as she hit the ground at an awkward angle.

By the time Rosalind was up, Bloom was standing a few meters in front of her with her eyes orange and fire in her hands. Lizzie was stood a few feet behind her watching with a sick smile.

No words were said as Lizzie used her magic to keep the headmistress in place as Bloom scorched her.

And just like that Rosalind Hale was dead.

It's important to remember that while the pair did want to kill her, it was accidental. Their magic was out of control due to the crystal.

The two fairies just stood there with blank expressions as they looked at the woman's body. They felt nothing.

No guilt. No sadness. No remorse. Nothing.

Lizzie was the first to show emotion. And she laughed. She laughed so loud she was sure everyone could hear her.

She laughed because her family were now free from her clutches.

She laughed because she got justice for her mother who was imprisoned by her.

She laughed because she avenged her aunt who had died by her hand.

She laughed because her little sister was now free from the bitch.

She laughed because she avenged Andreas. If he was still alive he would have been free.

And then she cried. She cried for her aunt who was gone. And her godfather who had just got himself back. She cried for her mother who had been ripped away from her family. She cried for everyone who Rosalind had hurt.

But most of all she cried for herself. She cried because after 16 years she finally had her family. It hurt that they had lost some and would more than likely lose more.

But for now. In this moment her family was free.

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