...~"NO NOT THIS! NOT NOW!"~...

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Yellow-Guy approached the sound, it was a single battery that was just on the kitchen side, He looked around, He saw nothing. Out of nowhere he had the temptation to put the battery in the place of one of his batteries, He was curious, He had slight memory of putting a new battery in before, and he has tried to ask the other two about it, they always say they don't want to talk about it though. He slowly unbuttoned one side of his overalls and brought it down to his waist, then he did the other side, His filthy batteries remained inside his small chest cavity, He removed one and replaced it with the newer battery, He then felt a sudden change, He could think, He didn't have to struggle or push his thoughts aside, but he could actually think.

"Wow... I've never been able to think PROPERLY before, It's so fun!" He said, He had gotten off task from finding whatever was in the house, He began to have another look around the house, with his own opinions and being free to think what he wanted, With this came insecurities about older photos scattered around the house

"Did I... Do that...?" Yellow-Guy said to himself pointing to a photo on the fridge of him trying to remove his hand.

He then would hear another loud noise come from the stairs, This time he ran towards the stairs to see two feet go up the stairs, He then remembered what he was looking for and rushed up behind them

"Hello...? Hellooooo..???" He shouted still looking desperately, He saw a locked room with the title "Big boys' room" He thought that's maybe where they went, he began to approach it slowly, He took small steps but as he was right near the door, He went to take the last step but the floor beneath him caved in

"WHAT!? WHAT'S HAPPENING?!" Yellow shouted as he fell through a white void

He would fall into a seat and look around, His friends where there, It was their old house, The sketchbook came alive just like he remembered

"What's your favourite idea? Mine is being creative!" She began singing

"WHAT!? WHERE AM I!?" Yellow shouted looking around and panicking, He knew how this would end, so he ran out his seat and went for the door as he got there he falls back down into the white void and into a different seat, He started shaking and looking around again

"Time is a tool you can put on the wall or wear it on your wrist" Tony said as he went and grabbed Yellow-Guy's wrist but he ragged it out of Tony's hand and ran off again

He once again fell into the white void

He fell into a tree, Then Shrignold approaches him, He straight away plunges out of the tree and falls through the ground into the room where they first met colin, He did the same thing for here, He ran out his seat and went for the door, He fell through the ground and this time he knew what came next, Instead of it being the start the Spinach can and the meat man were trying to feed him the 'Onion paste' this time he broke down crying and slammed his head against the table before running out of the kitchen door and for the final time falling into the white void, This time he could hear the voices of everyone he knew, all the teachers, His friends, His brain friends, His father, His mother, Everyone chanting "LOOKS LIKE SOMEONES HAVING A BAD DREAM AGAIN!"

He fell into a pool of oil, He grabbed on to the sides of the bed practically screaming to be saved, But all the arms underneath grabbed a hold of his ankles and legs and dragged him under, He was screaming and panicking but his screams were muffled and he ended up swallowing a bunch of the oil, He then had his arms grabbed by the other arms and was thrown down he fell down this endless black pit of oil, He saw the drawing he had done earlier and it was being covered in the oil until he could barely make out the drawing anymore, He continued falling until he fell back into the house kitchen, He grabbed his face and coughed up a bunch of oil, He saw his 'drawing' on the floor besides him, He was in lots of pain, He continues coughing up oil for a while and then he focuses more on getting himself cleaned up.

"There's 3 of us...R-Right..?" DHMISWhere stories live. Discover now