+~**Fun Fair**~+

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Red-Guy and Duck arrived at a fun-fair, the lights sparkled in the evening sun.

"So, what do we go on first?" Red-Guy asked

"Nothing that'll make me feel nauseous, I don't like those ones." Duck replied pointing specifically to the roller-coaster that towered above most of the other rides.

"Maybe we could go on the Ferris wheel and get a nice look at the evening?" Red-Guy suggested, crouching down to Duck's height so they could talk easier

"Oooo! Yes, that sounds lovely" Duck said excitedly as his little feathers puffed up a bit

Red-Guy blushed at how excited he was, He managed to get himself together as he picked up Duck and walked towards the Ferris wheel, that surprisingly had little to no waiting line.

Red-Guy handed the person controlling the wheel the money and they both sat down together, Red-Guy let Duck have the seat with the window so that he could see the view better, He was taller so he could see perfectly fine from behind him anyway.

The wheel began to spin slowly and calmly, Duck looked astounded at the view, It had a nice breeze too, Red-Guy got closer to Duck and placed his mop-Head over Duck's head so that they were cuddling, and could both see the view, Duck moved some of his hair out of the way and Red-Guy continued to cuddle Duck the entire time, The ride felt magical, Just them cuddling with no worries at all, The moment felt heaven-like.

"The view is lovely from up here, Isn't it?" Said Red-Guy trying to fill the peaceful silence with a sweet conversation.

"Yes, it really is, but it's so much better because you're here with me~" Duck said flirtatiously.

Red-Guy snuggled even closer to Duck after he said that, but sadly the magical spin was coming to an end, Both the boys stood up, Red-Guy scooped up Duck into his arms before he could try and take a single step, Duck snuggled Red-Guy and they both agreed they'd go and get some snacks.

They both settled on a bench with some ice creams, Duck got strawberry and Red-Guy got bubble-gum, instead of holding his hair up to eat it he grabbed some hair clips from a pocket on his shorts, He put his hair up and began to eat his ice cream, Duck looked at him in amazment

"You look so pretty with hair clips Red; I can see your beautiful mouth better!" Duck said grabbing Red-Guy's chin and pulling it towards him

Red-Guy blushed lots, and now you could see it

"My mouth? Beautiful? W-Why Thank-You, your mouth is beautiful too" Red-Guy said, He was all flustered and trying to think of good things to say.

Duck let him go and Red-Guy tried to get himself together for a moment, nobody ever says stuff like that to him.

"Well, we should be heading off, it's 7pm, We still haven't eaten a meal yet hehe-" Duck said, Grabbing Red-Guy's hand, Red-Guy finished his ice cream and took the clips out his hair, Duck then grabbed his hand holding the clips

"Put them back in, I like looking at your face." He said, Red-Guy's eyes sparkled, and he began blushing again

"Oh alright, but only while were out, when we get back home, I'm taking them out." He said trying to keep himself together.

"There's 3 of us...R-Right..?" DHMISWhere stories live. Discover now