Chapter 18

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Ceris felt like doing anything but waking, but her eyelids flew open nonetheless.
The first thing she was aware of was being warm. This was unusual, since, despite the blanket, a certain chill had always crept upon her when she woke. So why was she feeling warm?
Her body was slow to wake, probably a result of the previous night, but her senses were gradually returning, allowing her to feel something soft pressed tightly against her chest and face. In spite of her growing trepidation, she couldn't help but squirm in a little more. It had been a long time since she had been this comfortable.
She couldn't see much, her vision obscured by dark purple.
Wait. Dark purple?
Ceris gave a muffled yelp that would have embarrassed her greatly had anyone been there and awake to hear it. Pushing herself backwards, she forced aside the arms wrapped round her, resorting to magical strength, unable to process what had obviously happened.
Arabella lay across from her, dressed in dark purple night clothes. The pirate seemed to have fallen asleep with Ceris in her arms, resting the the End Queen's face on her chest.
Ceris took a deep breath.
Relax. It's not like anyone's died.
Still. She would have some things to say once Arabella woke up.
She sat up, feeling lines of dried blood crack on her neck and shoulders. The air wasn't particularly cold, but it felt chilly after...
Ceris blushed, then cursed herself. Feeling that this on top of everything else might well send her mad if she thought about it too much, she dragged her attention to the porthole. It was still dark, suggesting they had only slept for a few hours, but there was the faintest emerald glow on the horizon, barely distinguishable even to Ceris's Enderkin eyes.
Good. She thought. The crew will be up in an hour, and then Arabella will be busy dealing with them.
In spite of herself, she felt a moment of pity for Arabella. The few times she had been up on deck while the crew were out, Arabella had obviously been having trouble, arguing with several members of the crew, including the white enderman Pearl and the newcomer, Pontus.

A soft sigh made her look down. Beside her, Arabella was beginning to stir. Ceris swallowed slightly, but hardened her face, watching as the pirate slowly woke.
Her waking process was, to say the least, a little odd. Her entire body stiffened, flexing backwards to the very limit of her spine, hands curling into claws as her torso was thrown forward. Then she relaxed, and opened her eyes, blinking a couple of times before gazing owlishly up at Ceris. For a moment she looked confused, before her eyes cleared fully, and a smile curled her lips.
'Ah, Ceris. Sleep well? I certainly did.'
Shifting slightly, she rolled onto her back, not looking perturbed by the look on Ceris's face.
A few seconds passed. Feeling distinctly at a disadvantage in the conversation, Ceris broke the silence.
'So.' she glared at Arabella, her usual formal manner of speech exacerbated by anger. 'I let you feed off me, as per our deal, and you decided to take a place in my bed for the night as well.'
Arabella grinned, showing off a pair of bloodstained needles, pushing herself up to sit against the headboard beside Ceris.
Ceris looked at her, trying not to notice the fluid movement of her body.


Arabella tried to cup Ceris's face, but Ceris swatted her hand away.
'This was not part of our deal.' Ceris spoke. Arabella giggled.
'You didn't say I couldn't.'
Ceris opened her mouth, then closed it again, apparently having no response to this. Letting her think, Arabella took the opportunity to examine her more closely, in order to check the effect of her feeding.
Fortunately she had gone to sleep whilst still in a vampiric state, leaving her vestiges of improved senses, though that would fade soon.
Ceris looked healthy, a little pale, but nothing a meal wouldn't fix. The bite marks would probably scar, but Arabella didn't see that as a downside.
Her examination quickly fulfilled, Arabella was nevertheless unable to drag her attention away from her guest. She noted that Ceris's chest was rising and falling rather quickly, and a cherry blossom blush was creeping over her cheeks.
'Well? Did you enjoy last night?'
Arabella shifted closer to Ceris, who turned away.
'Please just get out of my room.'
Arabella smirked, noting that the tips of Ceris's pointed ears were turning red.
'Just tell me if you enjoyed it and I'll leave.'
Her voice was barely a whisper, causing Ceris's ears to twitch as they listened.


Ceris turned, irritated, trying not to start when she found Arabella's face barely an inch from her own.
'I didn't enjoy it. Happy?' Ceris snapped, a little louder than intended.
Arabella gave a knowing smile that half annoyed, half embarrassed Ceris.
She stared into Ceris's eyes, and suddenly the End Queen couldn't lie. Not to the galaxies she saw swirling like motes of dust in the vampire's eyes.
'I – enjoyed it a little. It made me comfortable.'
Arabella broke eye contact, and Ceris slumped, gasping lightly. Something about Arabella's gaze was more discomforting than her most predatory behaviours.

Arabella looked like she was about to say something, but Ceris cut her off.
'Why would you care so much about that?'
For the first time Arabella looked away, looking slightly ashamed.
'I was just curious.'
Even through her newly disturbed emotions, Ceris felt amusement.
'Now you're lying.'
Arabella blushed slightly. Ceris didn't like the way that made her own heart flutter.
'Oh never mind. Just curiosity about my own powers, in part.'
She got off the bed.
'I should go upstairs and change. I put my clothes in my own room. The crew will be up soon.'
Ceris shrugged, turning away. Trying to ignore the sinking feeling at being left to her own mind and whirlwind of emotions.
'Very well.'

She was trying to hide the trouble in her voice, but had apparently not succeeded, as she felt Arabella's hand gently pull her round.

Hey, it's only for an hour or so, and you can come up sooner if you want. I'm always here to talk.'
Ceris wasn't sure what shocked her more. The obvious sincerity in Arabella's voice, or that she apparently cared enough to put it there.
'I – I'll be fine.'
Arabella grinned, her girlish exterior appearing again as she planted a kiss on Ceris's cheek, causing her to flinch away.
'Alright. See you soon!'
She turned away, white energy appearing around her for the briefest moment before it consumed her, and she vanished.
Ceris stared at the floor, not really looking at it. Her emotions were in turmoil, but now she wasn't sure whether it was about Dragonspire, or Arabella.
It's not about you! The kingdom is more important!
She sighed. She'd been telling herself that for over 200 years and yet...what was it Vordus had said?
Oh yes. You're not ready to look after the kingdom if you're not ready to look after yourself.
She forgot exactly why the subject had arisen, but it had been sage advice, and only from an outside perspective did she realise it would have been wise to heed it.
Why is it even relevant right now?
Good question. Unfortunately, she didn't know the answer.
Getting up, she went to the wardrobe. She should probably wash the blood off her neck and shoulders, but felt oddly reluctant.

Getting dressed, she was about to turn away from the wardrobe, then paused. In the bottom of the wardrobe was a small purple book, with swirling patterns and a gold spine. On top of it was a pen. Picking it up, she clicked it, and was greeted by the perfume scent of orchids.
The book was completely blank inside.
Confused, she frowned.
A diary. She'd never had time for something that seemed so trivial, but now...
Clicking the pen a couple of times, she hesitated, then began to write.

Note: Can't think of a title.

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