Chapter 10: Nighttime drinks.

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Time seemed to pass far quicker than was fair. Purple Reaper returned with a selection of books, and Ceris did her best to leaf through them; science, philosophy, complex works of fiction and even a volume written in the ancient runes of white Endermen – a surprisingly enlightened collection for a pirate fleet. However, she had barely read a couple of chapters when she looked up, and saw that the light had nearly faded.
She sighed, and got up, placing her books in a pile on the cabinet. From what little she'd seen of the way time passed here, she guesses there would be about ten minutes until the light was gone completely. She heard oars, and saw a group of 5 or so large rowboats leave the side of the Great Orchid, heading for the 3 ships floating on that side. Ceris's curiosity was peaked – during Arabella's conquests in the End, she only remembered the fleet having 5 ships, two on each side of the Great Orchid. Arabella had apparently felt the need for more ships since.

The so-called sun has completely set, so Ceris made her way up to the top deck, trying to ignore the trepidation in her stomach. What was there to fear?

Up on the top deck, she was greeted by an unexpected sight. There was apparently no form of light at night besides those on the ship, so the deck was like an island of light cloaked in shadows. Sitting in the middle was a chorus wood table topped by two bowsl and fluted crystal glasses. Arabella was sitting on the far side. Her entire face seemed to light up when she saw Ceris.
'Good evening Ceris. Care to join me?'


To Arabella's relief, Ceris seemed mostly healthy, if a little paler than usual. There were no signs of harm besides a slightly bruised hand and a slight cut on her lower lip, so she hadn't done any damage to herself outwardly.

Ceris walked over, looking extremely cautious.
Arabella giggled. 'Oh, do sit down. I'm not going to bite you.'
Ceris raised an eyebrow.
'You're sure?' She asked, seemingly making a brave attempt at humour. Arabella smirked.
'I've never yet fed on one of my guests. Now, would you like a drink?' Arabella indicated the bottle of chorus wine on the table.
Ceris stared at the bottle. Now she was within the circle of brighter light maintained by 3 blue soul fire lanterns set around the table, Arabella could see how painfully pale she was, scars on her jaw, cheekbone and neck a vivid red.
She looks like she's wasting away, thought the captain.

Ceris paused, then gave a slight nod. Arabella took a glass and half filled it before setting it at the space opposite her. Ceris sat down slowly.
Arabella poured herself some wine as she spoke. 'I was feeling a little down, so decided to see if you would join me for an hour or so. I also thought you could do with some food. You've been here 3 days, and asleep for most of it.'


Staring at the captain, Ceris took a small sip of her wine. It was good, something she refused to acknowledge outwardly. The bowls were empty, but Ceris didn't question it, being more than familiar with the forms of magical service used by many sorcerers.
'Why were you feeling down?' Ceris spoke. Her voice was slightly hoarse, having not spoken much the last few hours.
Arabella looked down into her glass.
'Oh, you know. Arguments with some of the crew. I had to break up a few fights on deck when the mechanics did a couple of things wrong.'
Arabella looked slightly depressed, but spoke again before Ceris could interject.
'What about you? Comfortable in your room?'
Ceris hesitated. Was she comfortable?
'I suppose.' She answered after a moment of deliberation. Arabella leaned forward slightly.
'You suppose? What else can be done for you?'
Ceris looked her square in the eye.
'I'm afraid I cannot be comfortable until I return to my kingdom and overthrow the Nether.'
Arabella sat back, looking disappointed.
Ceris took the opportunity to examine the deck properly for the first time.
The floor was made mainly of well polished chorus bricks, with fences along the edges and endstone occasionally interrupting the vibrant purple. A large cannon, made of silvery metal with glowing white highlights, hung limply in its stand, looking completely harmless, though Ceris knew otherwise, having lost a great many of her dragons to the deadly crescents of energy it fired.

There was a slight pop of air displacement, and Ceris's attention was brought back to the table, where the two bowls had been filled with soup. Ceris's was brown, and smelled of meat of some kind. Arabella's however, was distinctly redder, and Ceris could smell a coppery tang.
'Blood?' She asked, wrinkling her nose. Arabella blushed slightly.
'Only a little. Unnecessary, I suppose, but it gives it a more agreeable taste.'
Ceris decided that some things were best left unquestioned, and began to eat using a wooden spoon that had appeared next to the bowl.
The soup tasted reasonable, and it was only now that Ceris realised how hungry she had been.

For the next few minutes neither of them made any attempt at conversation, Ceris eating as quickly as she could, Arabella not eating much, but allowing Ceris to do as she pleased.

Once Ceris finished her soup, she looked up, and saw that Arabella was watching her, the glint in her eyes a little less girlish than usual. Once again, Ceris felt the trepidation that had been nagging at her since she received the invitation.
Arabella poured herself another half glass of wine, and took a sip before saying,
'Tell me. Did you ever have a suitor?'
Ceris frowned, a little taken aback.
'Why do you ask?'
Arabella's head tilted slightly.
'Oh, just curiosity.'
Ceris hesitated, but saw little reason not to answer.
'A few men sought my hand during my time as queen.'
Arabella leaned forward.
'Did any come close to your heart?'
Ceris sighed, an openly emotional gesture she would not have made were she thinking more clearly.
'I enjoyed the company of a couple, but my responsibilities outdid any personal interest I had in romance.'
Arabella raised her eyebrows.
'You are so devoted that you would forfeit love? Surely a king would have helped you and shared your responsibilities?'
Ceris stared at her.
' could I have trusted them? The Ender Kingdoms were at war for years before I came to the throne. How would I know that another ruler wouldn't just start that again?'
A smile spread across Arabella's face, and Ceris was suddenly sure that she'd said too much. The pirate rose from her chair, and circled the table until she was behind Ceris.
Leaning down to whisper in her ear, Arabella murmured,
'Oh Ceris. I knew you were naïve, but are you really that insecure? Not everyone will fail.'
She wrapped her arms round Ceris's neck, moving her face down to place a kiss on her jaw. Ceris wanted to pull away but couldn't, only able to listen as Arabella went on.
'Someone could help you. Share your responsibilities. You wouldn't have to be alone...'
Ceris stood up quickly, pulling out of Arabella's embrace. The pirate stood back, eyebrows raising fractionally.
'I – feel a little tired. I should go back to bed.'
That was by no means her reason, but Ceris needed to go, to be by herself for a while.
Arabella tilted her head, then nodded.
'Very well. I enjoyed this little meeting. Perhaps we should do this again.'
Ceris swallowed.
'I - maybe.'
Arabella smiled.
'Well then. Good-night, Ceris.'
Ceris nodded, then walked away as fast as she could without running, feeling Arabella's eyes on her back.

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