1. Back to Where Everything Started

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The Rumbling had already stopped as Levi decapitated Zeke.

Falco's Beast-Jaw flew away from the Founding Titan, carrying all members of alliance.

Kruger, Grisha and Tom's titans were standing on Bertolt's Collosal Titan's palm who was attached to the Founding Titan.

On Tom's Beast titan, Armin stood there. "Thank you. Without all of your strength, we wouldn't have been able to stop the Rumbling."

With that, a giant orb of blue lightning formed around the Founding Titan as Armin began to transform

'Goodbye... Eren...' Armin thought.

Mikasa was looking at the sight with a distressed expression.

The remaining people of Hizuru, who were standing at a cliff, looked up to see that the Rumbling had stopped.

Falco's Beast-Jaw landed at the Fort Salva.

The Founding Titan's bones began to disappear.

"Look! The bones are disappearing!" Connie exclaimed, looking at the sight with others. "The Rumbling stopped!"

"Is Eren dead?" Jean asked.

"Ugh!" Mikasa said and cluched her head as she got another headache.

Just then, her last conversation with Eren flashed in her mind.

Mikasa opened her eyes in panic as tears rolled down her face. "That can't be! The last thing I heard! No way..."

The people at Fort Salva approached them.

Everyone got off Falco's Beast-Jaw and got reunited with their parents.

Connie had Levi's hand on his shoulder while walking forward. "We have our regrets but we stopped the Rumbling for sure."

The scouts stood at the edge of the small cliff and looked down.

"And that shiny centipede?" Gabi said. "Where is Reiner?"

"Armin?" Mikasa said.

From a giant pit, the Collosal titan began to get up.

The Armoured titan was on the ground, face first, worn out.

Then he slowly stood up.

"Reiner!" Gabi shouted.

"He is ok!" Jean said.

"Hey look! There" Connie exclaimed.

The centipede creature began to crawl up again.

"It's still alive after that explosion!" Jean exclaimed.

"What the hell is that thing?" Gabi exclaimed.

"I don't know." Jean said. "But it's too dangerous to leave it alive."

The Collosal titan and the Armoured titan started walking towards the Fort.

Just then behind the Collosal titan, a giant blue lightning orb formed and an explosion went off.

"I knew you weren't gonna die from that." Jean said with gritted teeth.

"Yeah." Connie said. "What should we do?"

Eren's Collosal titan came to their view.

Mikasa looked at him with a distressed look. "Eren..."

"This is bad!" Gabi said with panic. Then she turned to the others. "Keep Eren away from that shiny thing!" She looked back at Eren's Collosal titan. "We don't know what's gonna happen!"

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