~Chapter 2~

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United Kingdom
Calamity Hugh Academy

I sat in the back column of my lecture hall scribbling away in my notebook while my best friend Liam sat bedside me chatting away about wanting to join a new club this semester.

New semester, new clubs, new student's, teachers (probably younger) new schedule, new everything, so most likely we're getting a new calculous teacher or maybe we'll have the same one.

I'm not really interested so I wasn't actually listening to him I just kept saying "Yeah" and "Mhm" while we waited on the professor for our calculus class to arrive.

Liam was like one year older than me and he wasn't the most mature, he was from the Philippines and had brown hair, tan skin due to him being in the sun a lot, he was 5"8 and had baby blue eyes.

He was cool to hang out with but he was more on the party side while I was the one to always stay at home or hideaway in the back of the library or under the stands.

In my opinion I wasn't the most beautiful but Liam always said that if we weren't friends he'd definitely date me, which is just weird.

I had brown skin, long curly black hair stopping just right below my ass so I had it up just so I don't sit on it, my silver eyes showed absolutely no interest to the couple infront of me, my thin eyebrows knit together as I tried to form the perfect line for my drawing and I stood at 5"3.

Now that I think about it I'm probably the second youngest and the shortest, but the youngest is Austin Dale and he's 17 but he's like 6"2.

"Girl are you listening to me?" Liam spoke.

"Mhm" I hum in response.

"No the fuck you not, I'm literally trying to explain my little dilemma to you and your daydreaming" he scoffs.....for a Filipino his English is really good.

"Liam you not being able to make up your mind on what club to join is not my concern and not a dilemma, ok" I say with a roll of my eyes.

"It kinda is, I'm trying to beat the lines for registrations so I need to know what club to join ASAP" he says loosening his striped navy blue tie.

I always wondered why they had seasonal clothing, it seemed like a waste of time and money.

The door to the lecture hall suddenly opens and it's not the calculous teacher but a tall man maybe in his 20s walks towards the desk up front, places down his bag and books.

"Good morning students please find your rightful seats... " he spoke through the mic in his hand.

"I am Richard Wells, you may call me professor Wells or Mr Wells, I will be your new calculus teacher for the rest of this semester, so take a good look at my face you'll be seeing it everyday" he says his features remaining indifferent.

Called it....

"He's sexy" Liam whispers biting on his pen.


"You guys are lucky.... today and tomorrow won't be too hectic seeing it is the new semester and the headmistress is feeling quite generous, so she says today and tomorrow are for introductions and going through your schedules, so be happy and enjoy your free time while it lasts" he says and there were slight murmurs.

Well isn't he serious.

"Many of you may have already been in my past classes so you already know who I am but I see we have a few new faces, so a special welcome to you guys" he adds.

"Any questions?" he asks checking his watch.

Hands went up in the air and the Mr Wells picked a tan guy from the middle column.

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