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It's been over a week since Ares and I have talked or seen each other. I haven't seen Bianca either but I can't say I'm upset about that part.

Lorenzo and I have been training everyday with my shoulder and arm healing. We've become closer and created a bond between us.

Ophelia has been teaching me how to do my hair and makeup, which has slowly healed something in me.

Mateo, Diego, and I still hang anytime we can, but today I can't seem to find them anywhere.

After a long training session with Lorenzo, he told me he had to leave so I went to shower.

Ophelia knocked on my door as I slipped on a pair of Ares's joggers I never gave back and a t-shirt. She peeks her head in before letting herself in and closing the door behind her.

"Want to hang out?"

Which leads us to now, doing our makeup for the dinner.

" You've gotten so good at this!" she says as she looks at the small black wings on my eyes.

I went with a very natural base with a small wing and a red lip.

" I have an excellent teacher." I say with a wink.

She laughs and we begin to talk more about her and how she became an assassin seeing that she is Ares's cousin.

" I became an assassin after my sister was murdered. My parents were so riddled with grief that they barely left the house. I promised them that I would find the killer, no matter how long it took. So I immediately under went training and after a year I found the fucker and I killed him the same way he killed my sister. After that, I stayed in the profession and I murdered everyone who had anything to do with the death of my sister. " she says with a sad smile.

" What about you, do you have any siblings? " she asks.

" I did, not by blood but her name was Veronica. She was a few years younger than I was...she died when I was fifteen... she was murdered too." I whisper out.

She lets out a small gasp as tears grace her brown doe eyes. She pulls me into a hug and lets out a sob when I return the hug. A tear slides down my face as I let out a shaky breath.

We stay like that for a while as we grieve our sisters. A small part of my heart fills itself up and I hug her tighter.

A small knock sounds through the room before a small voice tells us dinner will be ready within the hour.

" Thank you." Ophelia says letting me go.

" No, thank you." I say meaning every word.

Dabbing the tear streak from my face, we finish off our makeup.

" We're meeting with the French Mafia tonight. Plus, the Don is extremely sexy. " she says holding up a dress.

" This ones for you and I have a red one that I want to wear. I'll be back and when I come back you better be in this dress!" She yells.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2023 ⏰

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