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" Do you think he's going to be mad? " a voice whispers.

" You're a fucking idiot. He's going to be pissed." another voice whispers.

" Quick, take a picture "

I try to move but arms tightly hold onto me. After a moment of quiet, I feel myself start to drift back to sleep.

" He looks like he is squeezing the life out of her, should we help? "

" Do you want to die? "

The whispers continue before I feel one of Ares's arms let go of me.


I hear a click before a few gasps.

" Shut the fuck up."  Ares says.

" We're gonna die Diego! "

" You both have three seconds before I shoot. " Ares mumbles.

I hear footsteps hurriedly run away before the door slams shut. Ares's arms once again trap me before he speaks.

" I know you're awake hermosa "

" What gave me away?" I ask.

" I can't tell you all my secrets now can I? " he says with a laugh. His arms unwrap from around me, leaving me cold as he gets up from the bed. I don't think I'm ever going to leave this bed.

" Let's go, we need to change your bandages and get you fed. " he says patting my foot.

I grown before I snuggle even more into the bed, ignoring him.

Suddenly, the covers are ripped off of me and I open my eyes to see him looking at me with a smirk. I roll my eyes before flipping over onto my stomach.

I peek over my shoulder to see Ares looking directly at my ass.

I fully turn around with my mouth wide open.

" You pervert! "

He holds in a laugh as I get up and make my way towards his bathroom.

I rake my fingers through my hair before throwing it up in a bun. I splash some water on my face before rummaging through his stuff to find a new toothbrush.

I begin brushing my teeth before I think about how I woke up with Ares. He feels like a heated blanket, but it was wrong to wake up the way we did. The pillows obviously didn't help but it won't happen again.

I open the door and I don't see Ares. I shrug before I start to make my way towards the bedroom door but a hand roughly tugs on my arm, stopping me. I swiftly turn around to see Ares looking down at me.

" What? " I ask.

He says nothing as he takes a step towards me, making me take a step back. We do this until my back hits the wall.


My heart starts beating erratically as his hand cups my face. He lowers his face and I instinctively come closer, our lips hovering over each other. His eyes flicker to mine as his pupils dilate. I close my eyes before I lean in more just to hear the door slam.

You just said it wouldn't happen again.

I roll my eyes before I walk downstairs to see Diego and Mateo. I smile widely as they see me and make their way towards me. They pull me into a gentle hug, which I return.

" Let's go paloma, you need to get your bandages changed. " Diego says pointing to my arm and shoulder.

I let him lead the way , passing by Ares's office and I hear Biancas laugh filter through the air. I roll my eyes for what feels like the fifth time today before we get to the infirmary where Doc changes my bandages.

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