Ramblings Of The Mind - Dreams

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The first thing that comes to my mind when I think of the word “Dreams” is a giant, puffy, white cloud floating in the sky with many images flashing on it. Dreams are made of hopes, desires, fantasies and even fears. They are filled with emotion and are a subconscious reflection of our inner soul presented to us during our sleep as our mind’s security is let down. They are amazing sources of motivation, as they spur us on in hopes of actually attaining them. They are limited only to our imagination and can be literally anything.

People say I have ridiculous dreams. For example, I wish to be able to appear on the front covers of magazines as a success story, own a group of islands and name one after myself so that my name will be placed on the world map, and even have a plot of land on the moon. All these sound so impossible to achieve, it is ludicrous.

Dreams are kind of a safe haven to us, a type of escape, where we are protected from what we do not want to happen. Anything we want can materialize in our dreams. Some people like to delude themselves and live in them, knowing that they will never happen. They just keep dreaming and nothing really changes in reality.

Dreams are often said to be the opposite of reality and they would never realise. I beg to differ. To me, dreams are only dreams when one perceives it to be impossible, and does nothing to try to attain it. Dreams can become goals which we can work towards. They can be made possible if they are believed to be. It is our mind that decides whether something is a dream or a goal and we can control it.

Rather than just continue building our virtual world, why not convert them into goals and work towards pursuing them? Just put a little faith in ourselves and our dreams, and who knows it might just turn into reality! If one does nothing about it, it is just like building sandcastles in the air; beyond its purpose.

I believe that dreams are nothing. They only mean something when one decides to actually try to pursue and achieve them. If not, they is just another form of escapism where nothing is altered in the real world, a waste of time. We should make use of our dreams wisely, as an impetus to drive us to work towards greater heights. They can originate from our minds as imaginations but they can also materialize in reality. It is all about the human mind.

I have no dreams. I have goals.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2011 ⏰

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