For Their Last Words...

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"It's been... years... I guess? But it was still vivid... as if I was still there... I can't remember how long it's been but that was the last time I ever saw Bonnet and Samuel. Samuel was given a proper burial despite what the police found about him. We confessed to what he did during testing. Soon after the incident, we found all their graves... I held onto Mouse as a way to keep myself from falling over in despair. The gravestones were practically next to each other in a specific order. Socrates Bonesparrow, Bonnet Libberman, and Samuel Michaelis. each having a last word carved under their names 'I just hope my daughter is beautiful and has a wonderful significant other', 'Sam... If you're reading this... I love you', and 'I never loved anyone, anyone except one person who I will keep a secret until I die' in that exact order. But... the thing is... my stepfather didn't say that when he died... he had that written down in his will... the last thing he actually said... was Bonnet... I never really understood why until I saw the stone..."
"What do you think that meant?"
"I think... he knew Bonnet loved him all this time... and he realized that he loved Bonnet too late. I don't really know. I wish I knew why he hid his feelings and killed instead of being with Bonnet..."
"I guess... he wasn't ready to accept it until he realized he was a murderer..."
"That's..." sigh "A good point..."
"How about you head home and think about it? Maybe we can figure out more about what happened next session,"
"I guess... but I just wanna figure it out before..."
"I propose to my soon-to-be partner for life, Mouse..."

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