The Pressure

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Molly, Carmen, Carrie, Teri, Penny, Masami and Leslie are inside Molly's new treehouse

Molly:So what do you think of my treehouse, girls?

All except Masami nod and cheer

Leslie​​​​:I love what you've done with the bathroom.

The "bathroom" is a hole in the floor with a roll of toilet paper next to it

Molly:Thanks! I went for understated chique.

Penny:Molly has such a good eye for interior design.

All except Masami nod and cheer

Masami:Boring!You think because it's in a tree it's all that? Well, it isn't: it's just as boring as a real house. I mean, what is it you actually do in here, Molly?

Molly:Well, uh, I just hang out, watch the boys...

The girls look through the window; Darwin, Tobias, and Banana Joe are cheering on Gumball to jump over a van with a skateboard, at which he slams into, setting the alarm off

Masami:Laaame!You don't watch boys, you kiss them.

Everyone but Masami:What?!

Masami:Hold on! Don't tell me you don't have boyfriends. You do, Molly, right?

Molly:Uh, sure I do! You don't know him, though. He's way older and... he's in high school! 

Everyone but Molly and Masami:Wow!Teri: Well, my boyfriend is so old that he doesn't have a babysitter!

Everyone but Teri and Masami:Wow!

Carmen:Well, mine's so old, he stopped wearing braces!

Everyone but Carmen and Masami:Wow!

Carrie:Well, mine is so old that he doesn't even have teeth. 

She flips her hair.Everyone looks awkwardly at Carrie.Penny walks near the window

Penny:I wish I had a boyfriend. 

She looks through the window.Gumball gets up and cracks his arms, back and neck.

Gumball:Did Penny see my stunt?

Banana Joe:Don't tell me you wanna impress those... those... those... perfumed sissies!

Gumball: You mean those girls over there? Tch, nah... 

He flexes his arms

Gumball:They wouldn't care about a handsome bachelor, twelve years old, who likes foreign cinema, fine dining, extreme sports and long romantic walks on the beach by moonlight.

Banana Joe: Let's make a pact, right here, right now. Pals before gals! 

He extends his arm

Darwin and Tobias​​​​ put their hands above Joe's

Darwin and Tobias:Pals before gals!

Gumball: Eeehh... 

He shrugs


Gumball puts his hand with the other boys, then looks to the window.Penny waves, and he does the same

Tobias​​​​:Wait, wait, wait! Let's make a blood pact! 

He tries to use a stick to make a wound in his hand, but he cannot

Molly:So, your turn to tell us,Masami. Do you have a boyfriend?

Masami:Yeah, he is... it's... it's... 

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